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MESSAGE FROM ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY AT PRODUCTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE AND GRI, SASB, AND TCFD OUR CEO HUBBELL HUBBELL IMPACT STEWARDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY DISCLOSURES EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Employee engagement sits at the heart of cultivating an environment where employees feel valued. As a global enterprise, we feel it is important to provide avenues for our employees to connect with each other. Every quarter, we hold town hall meetings so our employees can hear from our senior leadership and directly ask them questions. Our company intranet, called “Harvey,” also a昀昀ords our employees a platform to engage with and support one another across our enterprise. Through Harvey, our employees can receive business updates, engage in conversation via digital forums, recognize one another, and access company news and information. At the local level, monitors, posters, and team meetings help our employees stay informed. In 2022, we conducted our inaugural Elevate Employee Experience Survey to better capture and understand employee needs. Over 11,500 global hourly and salaried employees participated in the survey, demonstrating a best-in-class 昀椀rst year participation rate of 84%. Through the rollout of this survey, which will be launched annually moving forward, we achieved three major milestones: Raise Our Voice: We empowered our workforce to 1 participate in the survey 2Lift Our Culture: Hubbell shared enterprise, function, site, and team results with our colleagues ENGAGING AND CONNECTING THROUGH EMPLOYEE INCLUSION GROUPS Advance Our Company: We have action plans in Our Employee Inclusion Groups provide 3place at the enterprise, function, and site level an opportunity for employees with similar experiences to connect with using the feedback captured by our Elevate each other and engage in initiatives Employee Experience Survey and focused on the that are meaningful to them. Please see things that matter most to our employees page 41 to learn more. 35

Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report - Page 35 Hubbell 2023 Sustainability Report Page 34 Page 36