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6. thE roAdmAP For corPorAtE AmErIcA FOCUs On WORkeRs As they did last year, Americans placed the most importance – 25% – on worker pay and treatment in this year’s survey, and therefore this issue will comprise a quarter of a company’s overall score in our 2018 rankings model. Across all demographics, there is striking and indisputable unity, with all groups prioritizing the needs of workers at roughly 25%. DeMOCRAT INDePeNDeNT RePUbLICAN OTHeR 26% 25% 25% 25% WHITe HISPANIC bLACK ASIAN 26% 25% 25% 24% Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-59 AGe: 60+ 25% 26% 26% 25% HOUSeHOLD INCOMe: HOUSeHOLD INCOMe: HOUSeHOLD INCOMe: HOUSeHOLD INCOMe: UNDeR $25K $25-$50K $50-$100K OVeR $100K 24% 26% 26% 26% LeSS THAN HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL eQUIVALeNT SOMe COLLeGe bACHeLOR’S DeGRee OR AbOVe 24% 25% 26% 26% MeN WOMeN 25% 26% INVeSTOR NOT INVeSTOR/NOT SURe 26% 25% Note: Numbers might not sum to 100% due to rounding. JUS JUST CT CAPITAPITAL | 21AL | 21

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