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THE 101 TOP B2B MARKETING INFLUENCERS OF 2022 Josh Leatherman Bernd Leger Dan Lowden CMO | Service Express CMO | Mimecast CMO | Human Security CMO Super Power CMO Super Power CMO Super Power Adapting to an ever-changing role. Driving sales growth through Leading with empathy. marketing. Joshua is a growth-marketing Dan is a strategic and tactical executive with experience building Bernd is a passionate data- marketing leader, demand and leading highly profitable driven disruptor, innovator and generation and brand-focused customer acquisition, adoption category designer with 25 years expert, and author with 20+ years and advocacy programs. The of experience. He has a proven of marketing experience at the Chief Marketing Officer at Service track record in creating and executive level. He has driven Express since 2011, Joshua has executing go-to-market plans significant revenue and value helped grow the company from to deliver double and triple-digit for large companies (IBM, AT&T) $30 million in annual revenue to revenue growth with investor and fast-growth companies over $250 million by implementing returns of more than $5 billion. (HUMAN, Digital Shadows, high-return demand generation, He is also a forward thinker Invincea, vArmour, Digby and marketing & sales operations, and leveraging analytics, technology Wayport) across cybersecurity, sales development programs. and marketing creativity to deliver mobile commerce, Wi-Fi services, He has grown a team from 2 to future growth. Bernd is also a robotics, and mobile and almost 110 and his teams deliver transformational builder of high- cloud computing, spurring five 75% of new logo opportunities performance-based cultures with acquisitions and a merger worth and pipeline and 65% of new globally distributed teams across over $2 billion in total value. Dan logo revenue at Service Express. North America, Europe and Asia holds an MBA in International Joshua builds teams who leverage Pacific. He is also a strong mentor Business from Rutgers Graduate technology to deliver sustainable with great pride and investment School of Management and a pipeline and revenue growth. in the success of individuals he Bachelor of Science from Rider has coached. University. 20

101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 - Page 20 101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 Page 19 Page 21