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THE 101 TOP B2B MARKETING INFLUENCERS OF 2022 Mandy Dhaliwal JD Dillon Peeyush Dubey CMO | Nutanix CMO | Tigo Energy Chief Marketing & Strategy CMO Super Power CMO Super Power Officer | TheMathCompany Thinking big while executing Disrupting an industry. CMO Super Power with precision. Establishing a powerful vision As a former Army officer, JD lives for marketing. Mandy is the Chief Marketing by the military principle: Mission Officer for Nutanix, an industry First, People Always. His primary Peeyush’s mantra for enhancing leading hybrid cloud infrastructure business mission is profitable top- stakeholder confidence in platform. Dhaliwal brings to line growth. Developing simple marketing and reducing friction to Nutanix more than 25 years of strategies with broad stakeholder sales is his holistic approach that experience in driving growth communication and operational encompasses ‘Brand-Demand- and innovation strategies across execution has been his formula Expand’. In his nearly 25 years of the cloud and software markets, across various industries and experience, he has implemented and building high-performing degrees of corporate maturity. it effectively across continents to organizations. She works closely Each time, his team, customers, transform marketing functions with the company’s leadership board & executive leadership, and and build global brands. When team to drive a global marketing shareholders benefited. When seeking great marketers, he looks strategy that accelerates it comes to people, Jim’s been for curiosity, big picture thinking, the adoption of Nutanix’s recognized as a “great motivator comfort in dealing with ambiguity, infrastructure software solutions. [and] approachable,” and was more flawless program management Recently, Dhaliwal, as Chief recently received the “Men Who skills, and deep interest in solving Marketing Officer for Boomi, Open Doors” (for women) award. for better customer experience. was responsible for leading and For JD, it is undeniable that the Peeyush describes himself as executing the company’s global human touch is required for any a rational optimist and enjoys go-to-market, brand presence, organization’s long-term success. bringing just the right blend product marketing, demand of creativity, consistency, and generation, partner marketing, field courage to every role he performs. marketing, customer advocacy, strategic events and corporate communications functions. 11

101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 - Page 11 101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 Page 10 Page 12