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1 Ch This interconnected thinking and innovation ecosystem apt er one that agile marketing enables reminds of what cross-inno- vators are trying to do. True, this is a different story than M ark agile marketing. But we want to prove that innovation is etin often just the pooling and combination of little, clever g in the moment I invented nothing new. thoughts. It does not always come from one big pioneering idea that no one ever thought of, although that is how most I simply assembled into a car the people do perceive innovation. Clever originals like CREAX - 1.2 Chelp companies innovate based on the great premise that discoveries of other men behind o l “Somewhere, someone has already solved your problem”. l abor whom were centuries of work…. Their cross-functional experts solve specific problems by at e! offering a helicopter view on existing technologies across To teach that a comparatively all industries. few men are responsible for And such an approach does work. Wildcat Discovery Tech- the greatest forward steps of nologies, for instance, applies drug discovery technology to design better batteries in the same way that pills are devel- mankind is the worst sort oped. Sometimes innovation is ‘just’ recycling something from another industry. Even some of the ‘big’ innovations of nonsense. Henry Ford were born that way. Henry Ford, pioneer from the auto- 22 mobile industry and founder of the Ford Motor Company, boldly stated the following: The agile methodology enables something similar. Different minds with different back- grounds and expertise work together and enlighten each other with information they would likely never have acquired otherwise.

Agile Marketing Manifesto - Page 22 Agile Marketing Manifesto Page 21 Page 23