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3 Ch apt er thrSpread Keep communicating every step ee of the way. Show your success. The agithe word Have your management team l talk about agile marketing at e m ark internal meetings and presentations, even if it is a short etin reminder of just one of its core concepts (like the ‘fail fast g s t ar & learn’). Use an internal social platform to document all t er’s of your best practices and methodologies. Continuously r o a ‘advertising’ your agile marketing project is crucial if you dm ap want to involve and engage your entire marketing organi- zation. And our very last piece of advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE! It is one of the core components of agile marketing. What you are trying to do is to ‘simplify’ an increasingly complex envi- ronment with straightforward processes and collaborative best practices. Anything that will make your situation more complex should be avoided at all times. We repeat: KEEP IT SIMPLE! 44 Our life is frittered away by detail. Henry David Simplify, simplify. Thoreau poet and essayist

Agile Marketing Manifesto - Page 44 Agile Marketing Manifesto Page 43 Page 45