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Visual Elements Online Price Point – Non-Panes 1.25 All price points must align to approved Spacing standards. If editing a template, follow these rules to ensure all price point advertising will appear consistently: Price point headline copy should conform to the same standards .5 X as subheads: AA Blue, small X(.25 Y) .5 X caps, and +75 point tracking. 1 X .25 Y Rules are .25 pt and AA Gray. Or if on 1 X a dark background .25 and White. Round Trip .5 Y All prices are $ shown in USD Y Copy should be set in sentence case, AmericanSans Light, and colored AA Dark Gray. 1 X Price points are set in AmericanSans .25 Y Light and descriptors are set in Taxes Included. Conditions Apply. AmericanSans Medium. Both are AA Blue. If more description is required, it should be placed under the Round Trip descriptor and set in Typography AmericanSans Regular and AA Gray. Price point descriptors should be a minimum of 5 pt. Buttons should lock up to the right of the price point whenever possible. Buttons can lock up below the price point for certain layouts. Price point terms and conditions Round Trip should be placed at the bottom All prices are of a unit in AA Gray or in close $ shown in USD proximity to the price. Taxes Included. Conditions Apply. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0

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