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Code GRI Disclosure Reference/Location Environmental Disclosures GRI 301: Materials (2016) 301-2 Recycled input materials used 2021–2022 ESG Report: Advancing Climate Solutions: Backing our Customers & Partners: Promoting a circular economy and expanding recycled plastic cards on page 51 which includes the goal for a vast majority of the plastic cards issued by American Express to be made of at least 70% recycled or reclaimed plastics by the end of 2024. GRI 302: Energy (2016) 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 2021–2022 ESG Report: Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96, 2021 CDP Climate Change Response (C8) 302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization 2021–2022 ESG Report: Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96, 2021 CDP Climate Change Response (C8) 302-3 Energy intensity 2021–2022 ESG Report: Moving to Net-Zero on pages 43-47, Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96, 2021 CDP Climate Change Response (C8) 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption 2021–2022 ESG Report: Moving to Net-Zero on pages 43-47, Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96, 2021 CDP Climate Change Response (C3) 302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services 2021–2022 ESG Report: Moving to Net-Zero on pages 43-47, Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96, 2021 CDP Climate Change Response (C3) GRI 303: Water and Effluents (2016) 303-5 Water Consumption 2021–2022 ESG Report: Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96 GRI 305: Emissions (2016) 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 2021–2022 ESG Report: Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96, 2021 CDP Climate Change Response (C6) 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 2021–2022 ESG Report: Supporting Data: Environmental Performance Data Summary on page 96, 2021 CDP Climate Change Response (C6) INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 117

American Express ESG Report - Page 117 American Express ESG Report Page 116 Page 118