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Sustainability Report 2021 47 2021 Learning Hours Using the efficient virtual training tools we developed and deployed in response to COVID-19 (supplemented with in-person training where necessary and safe), we were able to meet our corporate training objectives and goals for 2021. One hundred percent of our leaders, executive-level vice presidents, and managers completed training in 2021, and 99% of full-time employees completed role-related and additional training. Our new-hire completion rate for Standards of Business Conduct training was 98%, with the remaining 2% receiving reminders until they fulfill their obligation. Information on ethics and compliance training is provided here . For additional details and breakdowns, see the Report Annex . FY 2021 Total Individual Learners (regular full-time employees) 27,335 Total Individual Learners (total workforce) 42,223 Total Learning Hours 1,740,492 COMPLETED TRAINING BY ROLE (UNIQUE LEARNERS) Executive-Level Vice Presidents 170 Executive-Level Directors 1,703 Manager Level 2,708 Individual Contributors 22,649 Interns 105 2021 Learning Hours INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE Recruiting and Hiring Our Culture of Inclusion Learning and Development Employee Safety and Support During COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Human Rights PLANET PROGRESS

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