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Sustainability Report 2021 32 Sustainability Report 2021 32 Goals and Progress GOAL PROGRESS UN SDG Invest in People Increase women’s representation at Applied globally Increased representation from 17.8% to 18.1% (+0.3pp) Increase women’s representation at Applied in the U.S. to 21% by calendar year 2021 Increased representation to 21% in calendar year 2021 (20.8% in FY21), achieving our goal. Increase underrepresented minorities’ (URM) representation in our U.S. workforce Increased representation from 14.2% to 16.4% (+2.2pp) Maintain occupational health and safety total case incident rate (TCIR) of 0.42 or below Achieved a TCIR of 0.45 (industry TCIR was 0.70, based on U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018 Injury and Illness Rates) Our 2021 referral bonus increase contributed to a 4.4% increase in referral hires, rising from 17.4% (FY20) to 21.8% (FY21). “Engineers at Applied are encouraged to think the way others think cannot be done. So we dream big, think outside the box to make the impossible possible. We appreciate the difference of background, perspectives and experience. That diversity inspires engagement, creativity, and invention. People feel valued and respected and feel comfortable to contribute.” Cher, Senior Mechanical Engineer Manager Sustainability Report 2021 32 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE Recruiting and Hiring Our Culture of Inclusion Learning and Development Employee Safety and Support During COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Human Rights PLANET PROGRESS

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