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Sustainability Report 2021 11 Sustainability Report 2021 11 Applied Materials’ reputation for honesty and fairness is one of our greatest assets , reflecting a culture guided by our core values and overseen by robust corporate governance. Corporate Governance ESG Oversight and Management Our company-wide ESG strategy integrates sustainability into our operations and culture, in alignment with our corporate strategy. ESG is a part of the company’s annual strategic review process with our CEO and his Executive Team. Work toward our corporate 2030 ESG goals is included in our Corporate Scorecard, with progress reviewed quarterly, and progress against ESG goals impacts compensation for Applied’s executives, up to and including our CEO. Our ESG Leadership Council, which includes leaders from across all Applied’s ESG-focused delivery teams, oversees implementation of our strategy. To ensure accountability, the Council reports progress regularly to the Executive Team as part of the strategic review process, and quarterly to the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (CGNC). The Council is also responsible for reviewing all the content in this annual Sustainability Report. The Council is supported by employees and leaders from across all business units and functions, which are responsible for delivering progress toward our ESG strategy. See the Corporate Governance Addendum for additional information on Applied’s corporate governance structures and policies. Board of Directors Business Functions CEO Executive Team Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (CGNC) ESG Leadership Council INTRODUCTION PURPOSE Corporate Governance Ethics & Compliance Public Policy Data & IP Security Personal Data Privacy Community Impact PEOPLE PLANET PROGRESS

Applied Materials Sustainability Report - Page 11 Applied Materials Sustainability Report Page 10 Page 12