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The Investor Gert Steens, President & Investment Analyst / Oblonski BV Focus: Invest in companies with the most competitive business models Gert makes a living by identifying the best business models. Investing in the wrong company with the wrong model could cost his clients millions of euros and him his reputation. Understanding new and innovative business models has become a crucial part of his work. He goes far beyond the usual fi nancial analytics and compares business models to spot strategic differences that may impart a competitive edge. Gert is constantly seeking business model innovations. The Consultant Bas van Oosterhout, Senior Consultant / Capgemini Consulting Focus: Help clients question their business models, and envision and build new ones Bas is part of Capgemini’s Business Innovation Team. Together with his clients, he is passionate about boosting performance and renewing competitiveness through innovation. Business Model Innovation is now a core component of his work because of its high relevance to client projects. His aim is to inspire and assist clients with new business models, from ideation to implementation. To achieve this, Bas draws on his understanding of the most powerful business models, regardless of industry. The Designer Trish Papadakos, Sole Proprietor / The Institute of You Focus: Find the right business model to launch an innovative product Trish is a talented young designer who is particularly skilled at grasp- ing an idea’s essence and weaving it into client communications. Currently she’s working on one of her own ideas, a service that helps people who are transitioning between careers. After weeks of in-depth research, she’s now tackling the design. Trish knows she’ll have to fi gure out the right business model to bring her service to market. She understands the client-facing part—that’s what she works on daily as a designer. But, since she lacks for- mal business education, she needs the vocabulary and tools to take on the big picture. The Conscientious Entrepreneur Iqbal Quadir, Social Entrepreneur / Founder of Grameen Phone Focus: Bring about positive social and economic change through innovative business models Iqbal is constantly on the lookout for innovative business models with the potential for profound social impact. His transformative model brought telephone service to over 100 million Bangladeshis, utilizing Grameen Bank’s microcredit network. He is now searching for a new model for bringing affordable electricity to the poor. As the head of MIT’s Legatum Center, he promotes technological empowerment through innovative businesses as a path to economic and social development. bmgen_final.indd 7 6/15/10 5:31 PM

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