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Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and communica- cometitie busiess eiromet, you ee€ rea€y tions technology you need, with the reliability, security and performance you epect from Cisco. access to i…ormatio, u€ate€ i reaƒ time With the The portfolio offers a broad range of small business Make Decisions Fast, products that can enable you to get more done in Innovate Faster. ri ht soƒutio, your busiess ca coƒƒaborate more less time. ’ew Ways to Œhrie effectieƒy a€ robƒem-soƒe ƒike eer be…ore Œhe Cisco® Smart Busiess Commuicatios Cisco ”ifie€ Wireƒess ’etwork System ‡SBCSˆ is a aƒƒ-i-oe etworki a€ commuicatios soƒutio that wiƒƒ eabƒe you to €o ˜ust that ­€ it icƒu€es the eace o… mi€ that Choose the right integrated audio options for your needs. Connect NoConnect Noww.. Cisco Capital Monthl comes with suort …rom the worƒ€wi€e ƒea€er i mroe busiess efficiecy usi WebEx ­u€io to coect u to ‚00 LLoorreemm iippssuumm ddoolloorr ssiitt aammeett,, ccoonnsseecctteettuurr aaddiippiisscciinngg eelliitt.. IInn atecard etworki a€ commuicatios atte€ees er meeti  Set u your sessio with easy-to-use hoe Clic here to download otios, icƒu€i ƒobaƒ caƒƒback serices „r kee your hoe ƒies vvoolluuttppaatt ooddiioo qquuiiss ddiiaamm mmaattttiiss ttrriissttiiqquuee aa vviittaaee eesstt.. PPeelllleenntteessqquuee nneeqquuee rriissuuss,, iiaaccuulliiss iidd ffeeuuggiiaatt iidd,, aaddiippiisscciinngg eeuu ffeelliiss.. MMaauurriiss …ree whiƒe you sae moey with ite rate€ Voice oer † ‡Vo†ˆ—…rom Cisco urbo Card Connect Your Employees to Cisco Small vviivveerrrraa ttiinncciidduunntt nniibbhh vveell ccoonnvvaalllliiss.. 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Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networkin and communica For a small business like yours to communicate ‹ai better cotroƒ oer your meeti s €eti…y which meeti atte€ee tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, is seaki with ­ctie Œaƒker i€icators Maa e caƒƒ actiity with ƒie Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur effectively with suppliers and customers in today’s Book a WebEx he portolio offers a broad rane o small business adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis muti , the abiƒity to a€€ atte€ees easiƒy, a€ more Šetermie who adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis with your SBMM competitive business environment, you need ready products that can enable you to et more done in atte€s a€ who €oes’t usi atte€ace cotroƒs, articiat ƒists, tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, less time. tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, access to inormation, updated in real time. With the a€ meeti ƒockouts iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris riht solution, your business can collaborate more Visit the Cisco effectively and problemsolve like never beore. Improve efficiency using a unified meeting solution. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur SMB website he Cisco® Smart Business Communications KEEP IT SIMPLE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Œrust WebEx ­u€io …or aƒƒ your au€io serices „ffer hosts a€ adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis System SBCS­ is an allinone networkin and adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis atte€ees a si ƒe oit o… etry to each web meeti  ’o more tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, communications solution that will enable you to tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, searate hoe caƒƒs to a€€ au€io „e iite, oe ƒo i Cout o iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris do €ust that. ‚nd it includes the peace o mind that ­oeties the silicit of the grahic iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris WebEx ­u€io to ha€ƒe aƒƒ your suort ee€s too Eƒimiate se€i comes with support rom the worldwide leader in …or umerous—ee oerƒai —serices …rom muƒtiƒe e€ors Sae networkin and communications. eression in itself is enough. ­ile Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur the time you wouƒ€ hae set recociƒi the reƒate€ biƒƒs each moth Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis Cisco Small tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, fors of color and gradations create iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris Business Solutions. The Cisco SBCS delivers benefits such as: echnoloy you can trust. • Improved communication among • uic adaptation to maret employees, customers, and vendors changes and increased productivity a sart and clean look and feel. New Products ut Now for better collaboration—and When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your happier customers •  highly secure richmedia employees, suppliers, and customers securely ewards and Promotions e perience delivered across • aster response to customer needs, any or space connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In because employees can communi Solutions provide the networkin and communica cate ith each other and access • €oer operational and maintenance tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, your netor from anyhere costs, at a price that fits a small volutpat odio quis diam mattis tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque © 1992-2009 Cisco Systems, c security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. business budget, supported by the he portolio offers a broad rane o small business neque risus, iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris •  return on your technology most attractive financing options investment as your business be products that can enable you to et more done in comes more efficient and competitive INFUSING GRAPHICS less time. ¥i and overla grahics with color and hotograh to infuse and integrate eressions. ‰r use grahics as a backdro for content anels or te. INTEGRATING GRAPHICS To dial u eression bring color oveent and energ b integrating grahics into eb video collateral and ackaging. ˆ‡ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

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