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Citi Personal Banking & Wealth Management and our Risk and Controls group each piloted advocacy programs for underrepresented talent in 2021, pairing participants with senior leaders to offer career advice and support. Black Leaders for Tomorrow, an initiative within the Institutional Clients Group, also offers an Advocacy program for Black directors. More than 600 Black employees each year participate in one of five programs offered through Black Leaders for Tomorrow. We also launched the Black Managing Director E ngagement i nitiative, a q uar - terly small group gathering of Executive Management Team members and Black Managing Directors who get to know each other, share ideas on ways to enhance Citi’s strategy a nd d iscuss o pportunities f or personal a nd p rofessional g rowth. Our R ole-Based A ssessment P rogram, meanwhile, f ocuses on b uilding a r obust succession p lan f or o ur B lack a nd w omen leaders. T he c areer de velopment p rogram includes executive assessment and coach - ing. In 2021, 31 high-performing Black and women M anaging Di rectors a nd Di rectors were s elected f or t he p rogram. We p rovide a ra nge o f i nternal d evelopment and r otational p rograms f or l eaders a t a ll levels, and we continued to evolve our learn - ing p rograms t o m eet n ew n eeds. O ur C iti Women’s L eadership D evelopment P rogram was held remotely in 2021, bringing together a g roup o f S enior V ice P residents a nd Directors f rom a round t he w orld t o n etwork and d evelop l eadership ski lls. In Latin America, our Women’s Virtual Development P rogram c ontinues t o b e o ne of our most valued in the region, with more than 1,600 participants in 2021. Across Asia P acific, 7 80 p articipants j oined o ne o f four p rograms su pporting w omen a s t hey transition t o m ore s enior r oles. A nd i n E urope, for o ur “r everse m entoring” p rogram, w e paired s enior l eaders f rom t he r egion w ith junior mentors from the LGBTQ+ community. The g oal o f t he p rogram, w hich w as su bse - quently r olled o ut i n L atin A merica, A sia Pacific and the United States, was to educate the mentees about the lived experience of their LGBTQ+ colleagues. To better support our colleagues with disabilities, we made enhancements to our tools and resources to build a more inclusive workplace, including a strong team of doctors, digital accessibility experts and accommodations specialists. The Global Consumer Technology team launched a partnership with Neurodiverse Solutions (formerly Autism2Work), and in May 2021, the team added five contractors who have autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, to the Global Consumer Bank ATM team based in our Florence, Kentucky, ATM Lab. After seeing such strong results in just six months, the Neurodiverse Solutions program has expanded across Citi with 12 contractors and plans to grow the team to 50 contractors by the end of 2022. Citi recently began a partnership with Disability:IN, a global nonprofit resource for disability inclusion. Disability:IN partners with over 400 companies worldwide with the vision to create an inclusive global economy where people with disabilities participate fully and meaningfully. PARTNERSHIP WITH THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL We invest in career development and planning for diverse talent through mentorship, networking, rotational programs and partnerships, such as our longstanding relationship with The Executive Leadership Council (ELC). In 2021, we signed a million-dollar, multiyear agreement with ELC to enhance our investment in Black leadership and establish a cohesive development journey and continuum for Citi’s Black leaders. Through this partnership, Citi plans to help develop 850 mid- to senior-level employees over three years. The program is focused on Black colleagues at the Assistant Vice President through Managing Director levels who are tapped for further development at Citi. The intent is to invest in their continued professional growth and mobility by providing personalized coaching and greater exposure to senior-level leaders. The Black Women at Citi Power Panel, presented by Black Women at Citi and Citi Inspires, was a successful hybrid event in 2021, with 3,300 colleagues tuning in. A panel of senior Black women at the firm discussed mental health, work/life balance, self-advocacy, building community, sponsorship and career development. Following the panel, our Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer and Global Head of Talent, Erika Irish Brown, hosted a fireside chat with Grammy-award winner Gladys Knight. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 88

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