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These 17 interrelated Sustainable Development Goals represent an ambitious agenda to achieve a sustainable future by 2030. Some examples of our work to advance specific SDGs can be found throughout this report. Citi and the Sustainable Development Goals Our sustainable finance commitment of $1 trillion by 2030 aligns with the ambitious agenda of the UN SDGs by furthering the acceleration to a sustainable, low-carbon economy that supports the environmental, social and economic needs of society. As the world’s most global bank, Citi has a role to play in mobilizing capital to advance progress toward the goals. Citi i s p art o f t he G lobal I nvestors f or Sustainable D evelopment ( GISD) A lliance, which i ncludes 3 0 o f t he w orld’s l argest investors c ommitted t o ac celerating t he financing o f t he S DGs. T he 3 0 m embers have c ommitted t o i ncrease o ur c ollective efforts t o a lign o ur b usinesses w ith t he goals a nd t o r emove b arriers t o fi nance. Since 2 010, C iti h as a lso b een a m ember of t he U N G lobal C ompact ( UNGC), a global c orporate s ustainability i nitiative to a lign c ompanies’ s trategies a nd o per - ations w ith p rinciples o n h uman r ights, labor, e nvironment a nd a nti-corruption, and t ake a ctions t hat a dvance s ocietal goals. W e r eport o n our p rogress t o implement t he 10 U NGC p rinciples . Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 16

Citi ESG Report - Page 16 Citi ESG Report Page 15 Page 17