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Stakeholder Engagement at Citi As a signatory to the Business Roundtable’s Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation , Citi is committed to ongoing and extensive engagement with our stakeholders. We su bscribe t o a b road s takeholder c api - talism approach, believing that we are best able t o c reate b usiness v alue w hen w e s erve the i nterests o f a w ide a rray o f s takeholders, including our shareholders. We made a deliberate e ffort t o c ontinue st akeholder engagement i n a p andemic en vironment. To fu lfill t his a pproach, w e r egularly r eview our s takeholder p artnerships a cross a range o f f unctions, in cluding P ublic A ffairs, Investor R elations, H uman R esources and C orporate G overnance, a s w ell a s Sustainability, G overnment A ffairs a nd o ther teams in P ublic A ffairs. The table below includes examples of our recent st akeholder e ngagement e fforts. AMERICA’S MOST JUST COMPANIES In recognition of our ESG performance, Citi was named among the Top 15 companies in JUST Capital’s 2022 rankings . Stakeholder Group How We Engage Examples from 2021 Clients and Customers • Meetings to share Citi’s ESG perfor - mance and to understand our clients’ approaches to climate change as well as managing environmental and social risks • Social media, including our Customer Service Twitter handle (@AskCiti) • Customer satisfaction survey • Citi Blog • Hosted a feedback session for stakeholders including clients, investors and NGOs to provide commentary on our TCFD disclosures and our approach toward setting net zero targets and measuring our baseline emissions. Learn more in the Climate Risk & Net Zero section • Worked with clients on sustainable finance transactions • Engaged with clients to discuss our approach to environmental, social and climate risk management and disclosure • Participated in a number of materiality exercises for clients’ ESG reporting Employees • Company intranet, email, mail and meetings • Voice of the Employee surveys • Affinity Networks and Green Champions • Online training • Performance reviews • Citi Blog • Nearly 196,000 staff completed Financial Crimes compliance training, including on anti-money laundering, sanctions and anti- bribery topics • Rolled out a new Climate Risk training for employees in Risk functions • Featured stories on Citi’s intranet and in blog posts from Citi senior executives, employees and partners, highlighting our progress on ESG priorities • Our Global Sustainability Network consists of employees from across Citi whose work directly relates to sustainability and ESG, to promote knowledge sharing and alignment on related activities • Our Champions groups within our Banking, Capital Markets and Advisory; Global Markets; and Treasury and Trade Solutions businesses are comprised of employee volunteers. The Champions have quarterly global calls and monthly regional calls to share business updates and best practices for sustainable finance, net zero transition and market developments. Suppliers • Meetings, calls, conferences and workshops • Corporate Responsibility Questionnaire to help assess management of ESG issues, including environmental sustainability and modern slavery • Hosted multiple events to create opportunities to engage with diverse suppliers and help to build their capacity, including sustainable business practices Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 17

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