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Environmental Performance for Operations (continued) GHG EMISSIONS (SCOPE 1 & 2) BY REGION REGIONAL OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Region Scope 1 C0 2 e (mt) Scope 2 CO 2 e Location-Based (mt) Scope 2 CO 2 e Market-Based (mt) Total CO 2 e Location-Based (mt) Total CO 2 e Market-Based (mt) Asia Pacific 755 133,947 50,807 134,702 51,562 Europe, Middle East and Africa 3,939 42,248 5,171 46,187 9,111 Latin America 2,046 83,969 4,022 86,015 6,068 North America 37,943 203,147 978 241,090 38,921 Region GHG Emissions Location-Based (mt) GHG Emissions Market-Based (mt) Total Energy Consumption (GWh) Total Water Consumption (m 3 ) Total Waste (mt) Asia Pacific 134,702 51,562 215 593,988 4,324 Europe, Middle East and Africa 46,187 9,111 171 315,964 1,911 Latin America 86,015 6,068 219 801,014 7,767 North America 241,090 38,921 743 1,908,663 11,593 Emission Factor Basis Electricity (kWh) Steam (kWh) Chilled Water (kWh) Total (kWh) % of Total Consumption RECs or Other Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) 865,079,675 0 0 865,079,675 76% PPA or Source Contract 140,856,007 0 0 140,856,007 12% Self-Generated Renewables 117,604 0 0 117,604 0% Supplier-Specific 0 0 0 0 0% Residual Mix 0 0 652,402 652,402 0% Regionally Aligned EACs – Grid Average 104,781,026 0 17,274,301 122,055,327 11% Steam Default 0 8,427,189 0 8,427,189 1% Total 1,110,834,312 8,427,189 17,926,703 1,137,188,204 100% ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY MARKET-BASED EMISSION FACTOR TYPES Note: Figures may not sum to totals due to rounding. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent& DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 57

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