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Your focus should entirely be on one topic in each blog post. If you cover different topics and keywords while writing your blog post, you may have picked the wrong approach to write or you can maybe split up that blog post in two or more pieces. On the other hand, you should write different blogs on as many topics as possible because that way you appear versatile in the area of your business. You picked out an interesting topic, created a great title and attracted visitors to your blog post, but they haven’t read the text until the end? The most common cause for that is too much text. Think about how much time you take to read other blog posts and you will notice how online readers, unlike those reading a book, look through text faster. They usually scan subtitles, bold text and bullets and don’t stop at every part of the text. Big blocks of text can discourage the user from further reading. Because of that, you need to format your text with the following: appealing title attractive and quality photos links to other sources subtitles and numbers bullets bold text moderate lenght of text (around 600 words) adjust your text to be SEO optimized The last thing can be achieved in several different ways, but some of the most important ones are adding keywords in your title and alt tags on images. Incorporate other articles through hyperlinks in your text. Add links to yours but also to some other articles inside your text. This way, the people reading your blogs will see that you understand the area you are talking/writing about and also that you are educating yourself from other sources online. If you didn’t read the article, you wouldn’t have recommended it or put it in the context of your text. That’s why it’s important to educate yourself constantly. By creating content that educates your users, you will not only build trust with your community but also become a leader in your industry. Show your targeted audience that you are the expert that they can reach out to when they want to learn more about the industry you’re a part of or when they want to purchase your product or service. FORMS OF CONTENT MARKETING 17.

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