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The board, particularly the human resources committee, membres de la direction qui sont sous son autorité. Si un chef de should look at people, culture, wellness and compensation. la direction croulant sous le stress exige d’eux de travailler les jours This big-picture approach broadens how directors view their de congé, ils n’ont pas le temps de relaxer, de réfléchir et de faire le roles and assess wellness. By asking questions about executive plein d’énergie, souligne-t-elle. well-being and the adequacy of board support, directors can Le conseil – en particulier le comité des ressources humaines – build feedback mechanisms. devrait se préoccuper des gens, de la culture, du bien-être et de la “When executives know the board is watching, listening and rémunération. Cette approche globale élargit la manière dont les supporting through commentary, questions and feedback, that’s administrateurs voient leurs rôles et évaluent le bien-être des cad- where the strength of excellent governance cultures come from,” res. C’est ainsi qu’en leur posant des questions, le conseil peut bâtir says Haddad, a former nurse who served as CEO of the Hospital for des mécanismes de rétroaction. Sick Children (SickKids) between 2004 and 2013. « Lorsque les cadres savent que le conseil observe, les écoute et les Some leaders need more explicit direction to take care of them- soutient par des commentaires, des questions et de la rétroaction, selves. Marina Go, chair of Adore Beauty Group Ltd. in Australia, voilà sur quoi se fonde une excellente culture de gouvernance », af- has forced some executives to go on vacation. firme Mme Haddad, une ancienne infirmière qui a été cheffe de la “CEOs are not necessarily good at setting boundaries for them- direction de l’Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) de 2004 à 2013. selves, so in some ways, we have to help them do that,” says Go. Certains leaders ont besoin d’indications plus claires sur les directions “They’re generally driven people who want to do exciting things à prendre. Marina Go, présidente du conseil d’Adore Beauty Group Ltd 24/7. But the board’s duty of care is to our CEO, so we must ensure en Australie, a forcé certains de ses cadres à partir en vacances. that he and she are looking after themselves.” « Les chefs de la direction ne sont pas nécessairement doués pour However, many CEOs aren’t overly eager to bare their souls to se fixer des limites. Donc, nous devons les aider », explique Mme Go. the board. The Deloitte/LifeWorks study finds that more than half Cependant, beaucoup de chefs de la direction ne sont pas trop of respondents think their careers will suffer if people know about désireux de se mettre à nu face au conseil. L’étude de Deloitte/Life- TAKING INDEPENDENT EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION AND GOVERNANCE ADVISORY TO A NEW LEVEL Introducing our founding partners, who bring over 65 years of combined expertise. Amanda Voegeli, CFA Ryan Resch, ICD.D Alex Pattillo Tara Armstrong, CFA President & Managing Partner Senior Partner Partner Partner Established in 2021, Southlea is an innovative, independent executive compensation and governance advisory firm. Specializing in the financial services, asset management, technology and natural resources sectors, we create compensation programs with impact, delivering fresh insights and perspectives based on the latest market trends and governance practices. We provide independent advice to the board while working collaboratively with management in the best interests of the organization. As the newest member of the Global Governance and Executive Compensation Group (GECN), Southlea is proud to be the only Canadian independent advisory firm with a truly global presence. Southlea is a certified Women’s Business Enterprise and is Rainbow Registered as an LGBT+ friendly organization, and our diverse perspectives are embedded into everything we do.

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