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Creative best practices Here’s the kind of copy we recommend. While images and video are responsible for the majority of attention, people actually read on Twitter (more so than other platforms) so it’s important to think through your copy and CTAs. Below are some best practices you can follow. Keep it brief Focus your Strong CTA Even though Twitter allows message In an Engagement 280 characters, brevity is We know you have a lot to campaign, it is important key for brands. The sweet say, but don't boil the to tell people exactly what spot for driving awareness ocean in one Tweet. Try to to do (“Click to...”, “Reply and favorability are Tweets keep Tweet copy as with...”). Don’t forget a with 50-100 characters. simple and focused on strong call to action. serving one purpose. Connect copy + content Copy and content go hand- in-hand. Make sure to make a clear connection between the video or image, and the accompanying copy. 12

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