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Creative best practices Our recommendations for creative. Ad creative is the #1 factor in driving sales. In fact, according to Nielsen, 47% of sales can be attributed to creative alone. After reviewing thousands of campaigns, we’ve put together a list of ways you can drive the best return for ads. Keep it short Grab attention Persistent Aim to keep videos at 15 quickly branding seconds or less to Use movement and show Video ads with clear logo maximize branding impact. talent in the first few placement drive 36% 15 second video ads tend seconds of your video. higher brand recall. Clear to see 3x higher Keep in mind that the branding should be completion rates over 30 video can be skipped after included within the first 3 second ads. 6 seconds.r 6 seconds. seconds of the ad, but preferably stay on-screen the whole time Remember, there are no technical limitations on the type of Tweets you can use in the Strong visuals Captions + sound engagements objective. Check off out our Specs Page to see all 97% of people focus on available Tweet types, which will visuals on Twitter, so Include captions or text- also be covered in the next make sure it’s eye- overlay so that your message section. catching and features comes through without your product or key sound. Closed captions and Remember, no matter what type message. text overlays create 28% of Tweet you use, you'll only be longer view times on Twitter billed for engagements, which and Average ROI is 1.8x includes Retweets, replies, likes, higher for videos that don’t poll votes, and hashtag clicks. require sound to be understood. 13

Engagement Objective Playbook - Page 13 Engagement Objective Playbook Page 12 Page 14