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2021 ESG Report Healthy Business third-party experts, the learning and development journey helps participants spot the sources and forms of bias, both in the workplace and in our served communities, and helps equip them to better support stakeholders of all backgrounds. We also extended this work through our philanthropic program offering conscious inclusion training to clinicians in community health settings. We continue to open new lines of communication for our colleagues to exchange ideas and learn from one another. Mosaic, our all-colleague blog series, is designed to encourage conversation within the company around diversity and equity. It’s a space where colleagues from an array of backgrounds can share stories of their lived experiences and their personal journeys of understanding. Topics addressed in 2021 include Hispanic Heritage Month, Walking in Privilege, inclusion and empathy, among others. In 2021, we welcomed all colleagues to attend the annual Diversity Leadership Forum, a two- day enterprise-wide virtual meeting You can learn more about all designed to advance the principles 16 the ways our CRGs benefit our of strategic diversity management. colleagues and our company here. The forum is led by our Strategic Colleague Resource Groups Diversity Management team and the Empowering through Diversity Management Leadership conscious inclusion learning Council, which is CVS Health’s 81 In 2020 we began providing leaders Executive Diversity Council, and with an interactive conscious serves as a group of cross-functional local CRG chapters inclusion learning experience. senior leaders who are accountable We continued the deployment for implementing diversity of conscious inclusion training management in their respective 26K+ for colleagues in 2021 to explore parts of the business. Attendance colleagues participate the impact of unconscious bias topped 1,000 participants, more in at least one CRG and build an understanding of than three times the previous inclusive behaviors. Developed year’s number. in collaboration with leading 33

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