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2021 ESG Report Healthy Business Recruiting on campus Coming together in To connect excellent students Colleague Resource Groups into promising career pathways at At the heart of our culture are CVS Health, we conduct outreach our Colleague Resource Groups at college campuses to recruit (CRGs), colleague-led organizations hardworking undergraduate formed around common interests, and graduate students into or backgrounds. With options to valuable internship positions and join as a member of a group with our management development which you identify, or as an ally to pipelines. In 2021, we expanded show support or expand your own our efforts from 11 historically perspective, there is room for every Black colleges and universities colleague in one of our CRGs. (HBCUs) and 44 Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) to 87 HBCUs In 2021, we introduced an option and 90 HSIs, deepening our pool for all colleagues to self-identify of diverse talent. We also expanded as an ally in CVS Health’s human our externship program which is resources platform as part of the for students earlier in their college CRG membership experience. experience so they can be exposed to our culture and gain professional Our definition of an ally is skills. Recognizing the statistical someone who stands up and disparities in grading across racial advocates for individuals and ethnic lines, we also dropped and communities other than the minimum grade point average their own. requirement from our college recruiting process. Areas across our business have Providing a second chance leveraged the deep cultural Many qualified jobseekers have insights of CRG members to historically faced challenges gaining provide feedback on a number employment opportunities and of initiatives, including marketing upward mobility due to a history of campaigns, customer and member incarceration. We intentionally do communications, and other not inquire about arrest or conviction materials that are geared toward records on our initial hiring specific audiences. For example, 8,100+ applications, allowing us to broaden volunteers from PRIDE+, the CRG our pool of qualified applicants. for LGBT+ colleagues and their Engaged 8,100+ registered To help those reintegrating into allies, advised on the content of apprentices society find success in the job a transgender support brochure. market, we collaborate with When Aetna redesigned our community organizations to train, preeclampsia kits for expectant 25% recruit and mentor job seekers mothers, we enlisted the Black who have a criminal record. In CRG to help center the voices and of whom self-identify as 2021, we hired approximately experiences of Black women in Black/African American 4,200 individuals through the product. In 2021, more than these efforts. 500 volunteers from a variety of CRGs advised on more than 20 80% Fostering inclusion projects, strengthening our ability of whom self-identify and belonging to understand, communicate and as female effectively interact with people Across CVS Health, we’re committed across cultures. to continually building an inclusive culture where our similarities and differences are celebrated. 32

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