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12 12 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 13 13 discdreisdcitreedd, ittehdis , tmhis yth mhytah s hpaerss pistersed istaend d afonud nfd ounned w nleifw e wlifhe en whaen pplaiepd plied The Tmhye th moyf th thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vamgiste makistenalky ensuly ggsuestggs estthas t thhuat mhaunms ans to extero ecxisere ciisn e wihn awt I hlaat bI ell atbhee l myth the myth of the of athletic the athletic savage.savage. The Teshse enestsiaenl tial uncournrcuoprtreud pbtey d cibvy ilcizivaitliiozn atcioan n ceaan siley arsuiln y ruultn raumltraarmatharoantsh, osncsa, le scenale oren- or- prempriseme oisf e thois f tmhis yth mis yth this at tpheaot pplee olpikle e ltihke e Tthae raThaurmahaurma warha owse hboose dibes odies moums omus oumntoauinnsta, ianns, d apnerd fporerm forom ther othseer emseinemgly insugly persuhpuermhaun mfaen ats feats are uanre tauinnttead inbtey d mboy dmeron dderen caddeencat dlenifestt liyflestes yalres e naare tunraatl usurapl ersuaptherleatteshl, etes, withwouitt htoruat intrinaign. iYnesg. , Yteshe , Tthae raThaurmahaurma aanra d aonthd er othner oninnodnuistndruiastl rpieaol -peo- not onnolt y ocnalpay cbalpae obf le amof aazminag zpinhg yspihcayl sficeaal tsf, ebuatst , abulso t aflsreo e ffrreoe m frloam zinlaeszis. ness. ple rpalre elry arief ly evier f e“vter rai“ntr” aains ” wae s dwo e bdy o fobly lofwolilnog wia ncg oa urscoe uorsf e eoerf eciseres c ises By cBony tcenondtienng ditnhg at tthhae t mthen e mI en obI serobvseerd vreud nnruinng nisneg vensetvy enmtiy les miwles ithw- ith- to deto vedloep vetlhoeip r thfieitnr esfits naesnd s apnred paprree paforr e a fosr pea csipfiec ceifivenc etv. ent. hen h en tra vetrl avel out otruat intrinaig nidno g sdo o nsao tunraatlulyr, atlhlyis , tmhis yth myimth pilimes pltihes at tpheaot pplee olpikle e lyikoe u you to pltao ces plalcies ke ltihke e thiere raier,  raa, m  oam ften oftthen e othne ly opnersly poersn wohn o wghoo es gofoes r afn or an and amnd e wmhe o wnheio thner eithcaer n cnaon r nwoir ll wacilcl oamccpolismh plsuish ch sufecah ts feaartes , afrreo, m fraon m an appaarpenpatrly enptloy inptloesins tles og s ion g thin e tmhe ormnionrg nitno g thto e tahme uasmemusenemt enof t thoe f the evoluevtioolnuatiroy npaersry ppersectpiveec, taivben, oarbmnoarl mbeacl abuesce acuisve ilcizivaitliiozn athioan s thuars nteud rnues d us localls.oc­ a€ls.u­ t €nueat rnly eaervlery ey vderay y doaf y thoeif r thleiivesr l, ivhesu, nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters heraers nd asund b-sub- into einttio eolattieod wlateid wmpis.mps. sistensistce enfacre mfaers rmeners gaenge gain ge hion urs hoouf rs haorf d hpahrd yspihcayl siworkcal work. €ec. a€uesce authsee y they s you s yhoau ve hpavroe baprbolbay dbilvy indeivdi, nI edo, bI eocbt teo ct thto e mthye th moytf h thoe f aththe leattihc letic lack laccak rsc, amrsa, cmhianceshi, naesnd , aontd her othlaer bolrsabaovrsinag vidneg vidcesev, icteshei, r thdeiar ily daeily is-eis- savasgaev. agoer . oonr e, oint est, erit estoertyepoes typaes nd adned hudmehaunmizaes nipzes eopplee osuple ch suacs h thae s the tencte enrec‚e urier‚es uiwres alkwinalg kminag nmy amniy les miiln es ruin ggreud ggtered raterinr, aniont , tno omt teno mtioenn tion TaraThaurmahaurma. arian. ce inthce at tfiharst t fitrst rip twrihp en whI en spoI kse powkie th witrh nestrno, estI oh, aI ve have doindg oointhg er otkhier ndks inof dps hoyf spihcayl sliacbal olr abby or hbay nd halinkd e lpikloe wpilnogw, idnigg, gdiniggg, ianngd , and talketad lkweid th whituh nhdurendds reodf s Taorf aThaurmahaurma aalrl a oavler l otvher e thiere ra ierTraa raThaurmahaurma ara carrcayingrry. ingh. en mheny c molyl ceagollueeag ƒure. „ ƒarr. „ona €roagn €giagshg aisttha achtteadc aheccde alecrcoemler-om- and acnan d caassun arse suyoru e ynoo u onno e othnere te hwerae kwes aukp es in up thin e mthoe rmnionrg nainng d athnid ntkhsi, nks, eters eters tiny tdiney vidcesev, iclesike , l…ikite bi…tsit, btihtsa, t tmhaet amsuerae sustree psts epper s pder ay­ dtao y­ mto orme ore ­ee , ­wehe, awt a hbaet aa ubteifauul tdifauyl . dI atyh. iI ntk hIi’nll k rIu’ln l rfiufn ty fimftiy les miules st fuost r ffuonr .f” uTnh.” ey They than thtwan entwty enTaty raThaurmahaurma marena m, hene , dhise codvisercoevd erthed ey thweay lkwead lkoen d aovn eraavgere age don’dt oenven ’t evgen o fogr o nfoeer dnleeseds lfiesvs e-fi mviel-e mruile ns. ruƒns. hen ƒhI en ask I Tasak raThaurmahaurma oan ra on ten mten iles mia les daa y. dan y. othn er otwher ordwso, rtdhse , ttrhae intrinaig ntihnag t tenhaat benles abtlhes em thtem o ruto n run whawt ohcact aosciocnass iothnes y thruey n, ruthne , mthoe st mcoost mcmomon maonn swaner swis er wis hen whI en chaI sce hase back-b toac-k- ba toc-k bamcak rmatharoants hois nts his e pthhe yspihcayl siwcaol rk wtohrak t tis hapat is rt paanrd t apand rcpael rocf el of goatgs.o” atIs.n” steInadst, eI adh, aI ve hacvoe mce omto e apto praepcpiartee citahte at ththae t tThae raThaurmahaurma aarre a are their etheiverr eyvderay lydiafey l. ife. extremextreemly healy rdhwaordrkwionrgk, ipnhgy, spihcaylsliy cafilt ly fafirt mfaers rmwers ho wnheo ver nedvo er adno ytahninytg hing The Tmhye th moyf th thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vaaglse o aerlsro oerneroounseloy uimsly pilimes pltihes at trhuant -run- by hbay lf haanlf d awnhd owse hocuse ltucure ltudree epdley evpaly luves alurues nnruinngn. inTgh. e Trheae sroen assoon mse ome ning niann g ualn traumltraarmatharoan thoor n poerr fporermfoinrmg iontg her othfeer ats feoaf ts eof traeortdraionradriy nary TaraThaurmahaurma raura n rfiufn ty fiofr ty moor rme more iles mioles n roan re roarce caosciocnass iois ns nois t nmout cmh uch athleattihclisetm icisis m sois mseohmow ehoew fforetfflesors tlesfos r ftohr e tThae raThaurmahaurma aarna d aontd her other differdienffert fenrot m frtohm e rtehae sroen asIroon nImroen nmden o trdio atthrlioanthsl… otnhse… y tthheiy ntk hiit nis k iwt ois rtwh orth indiignendioguens opues opplees opcloes mcpaomrepad rweid th with esterestners. erners. t enct oenurcaogues raga es raca - rac- it. †iot. w†evoerwe, vwerh, erwehaers Ieraos nImroen nmsuen bsuecbt tehcemt thsemelves seltvo es futo ll fturilal tthrlioanths loto ns to ist stist erestoertyepoe tyapke in akto in thto e tdhiste udristbiunrg bifincg tiofin ctitohn at th„aft ri„cafnris carnaiss erd aisin ed in test ttest heir thleiimr iltis m‡its ny‡thninytg hiIns g ˆIos ssˆibolses‰iŠb, lTe‰aŠr, aThaurmahaurma raura n rrarájiparisun rarájiparis the tuhne g ule nogr le in or slian verslay vderid y dniod t neopt ereipenercie enpace in pain in thin e sthae mse awmae y waas y as 7 7 becabuesce auit sis e ia t is dea epdley espply iristpuiarl itcueral emceroemny othnay t tthhaet y thcoeny sciodner sia der poa wpero-wer- ‡uro‡uperaonpse adnos. do. ‰or ‰eoovrereo, vit erem, it bemracbes ratches e ftahle lafcay lltahcay t tihf aot nif ly oynolu y yaonu d and 6 6 ful ffourl m foorf m proaf yperra. yer.  ha d hgard owgn rouwp n leuap dlienag dia nwg ha owleshoomlese olmifeste liyfleste uynle cournrcuoprtreud pbtey d suby gasur gar Œan Œy aTnay raThaurmahaurma I arha avI e hianvte erinviteerwveid ewsaey d tshaay t tthhae t the ball-b gaalml- gae rmace e rmacae kmes atkhes em thfem eel fceleol ser clotso er thte o Žthre eaŽtorer. aTtoo r. thTemo th, emcha, sc-has- and acnhd aicrs haainrs d arned ‚urier‚inug irilnotg s loof ts noaf tunraatl umraol vmemovenemt, enthten , thwen e cwoe ulcd ould ing tihnag t tuhnapt urendpicretadbicle tabablle l bafor ll mfoir le muiple on upmon ile mis ila e sis aca resad cmreed tampehtoar pfhoor r for be sube persu-h peera-l hthey alsuthy persuaptherleattes hleftoes r wfohr owm hroum nnruinng na inmg aa rmatharoan thwoon uwld ould the tohue rnoeuy rnof ey lifoef , laifned , ait nid nidt uicnes dua ces spia ristpuiarl itturaal ntcrealnikce elstikae test. aIt teis . Iat lsis o also be cbhe ildc’hs ilpdl’as y. pl‹ayo. t ‹onot ly ois nly this e mthye th myotf h thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vaagn e ean ame-am- an iman piomrtpaonrt tcaonmt cmomunmal uenvaenl et vtenhat t tbhrait nbgs rinmgs onmey onaney d apnrestd pirgeste. i‘gaest. ‘lya, stly, ple opf le trouf thtriunteshisn—es sso—m seothminetg hitnhg at tfeelshat feelstrue trbuee cabuesce auwse e wantwe want it to it be to be I thiI ntk htinhe k rarájiparithe rarájipari onc e onhcae d ha avd ita al vpitraal cptircaacl tifcuanl cftuionnc. tions . I ws aI tcwhaetd ched truet—rue it —tri ivt itarliivzies alitzhes e pthhe yspihcayl siacnad l apnsd ycphsoylcohgoicloagl icchaal lclenhaglles enfgaes ced fabcey d by rnulrfno ualnfo d ahnis d theis am teraem peraetpedealy tetdrly y tto ry fitno d fiannd d atnhd en thken ick ktihck at tdhuat std- ust- all aatlhl leattes hleetes vereyvwerhyerweh, erthee , tThae raThaurmahaurma ainra cluindceldu. d edh. a ve haovbe serobvseerd ved colorceod lowreod owden oodbaen ll, bait lstl, riut stck rumce k tmhae t tthhae t bathe ll bagalml gae is ma e tis era ritfierc rwifiac y wto ay to severseavl errarájiparisal rarájiparis and aariwetesnd ariwetes and asned en sehen ow hToaw raThaurmahaurma arura nnruers nners learn leahron w htoo w trtao ck trawchk ilwe hriule nnruinngn—in agn —es an senestsiaenl stikail ll skfoir ll tfhoe r wthae y wthae y the strustggrlue g gulst e aus st maus cmh uacs h thae s throe nmroen nmoen f Žoof nŽa oto na ovto erocovermce ocmrae mcrpasm, ps, TaraThaurmahaurma uasra ued tso hed tuo hnt duener ot den fer ooon ft.oot. nausneaau, sbelao, obdly ootodesy t, oaesnd , aonthd er otfhoer rmfos romf ps hoyf spihcayl spaicail npa. Tinhe. y Tahlsey o asulso ffer suffer Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

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