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10 10 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 11 11 For Fthoe r tfihrst e fisrst ix osr ix so or hsoo urs houof rs thoe f trhace er, aict ew, ait s wimas piomsspibolse sitbo le tetlo l tell unnuecnesnescaesry saerxy eretixoern? tioAnn? d Ahnod w hdow o sdoo mse omTae raThaurmahaurma amra anmagae natgo e to who wwhao s wgaos ingg oitno g wtio n. wAinrn. uAlrfno’us lfaon’s d aSnid lviSniolv’s intoe’as mtes awmens wt baenct k baacnk d and run rsuen verseavl erbaacl kba- toc-k ba- toc-k bamcak rmatharoants hownis thwouitt htoruat intrinaign, iwngh, ilwe hIriloe nImroen nmen forth foartloh nag lotnhg e cthoe urscoe uarst e a astt ea adstye, agdrya, dguraal duoagl giongg gipang ce paocf e aboof uat btoen ut ten pracptircae ctaince d apnrd epaprree paobre sesobssiveselsy ivfeolr y yfeoar rs yetao rs actco oamccpolismh plsisimh isliamr ifleaar ts feats minmuties nuptes er pmer ilem. Ailes . tAhe s twhae rm warm ecemecbemer bder ay dtuay rnteud rnined to ina tco ha illcyh, illy, of enofdu ernaduncre?ance? stars fitallred fi nlleigdh nt,i tghhte, r thuen rnuernsn keerps kt geopingt go wingith wouitth poauut psea,u lisgeh, litingght tinghei trh eir AnsAwners swers to thto este hesque estquioestns iotnys pictyaplliy carluly n rtuhn e tgahe mgaut mouf t boef liefbes liefs way wwaity h wpiitnh e ptionre chtoes. rch es. oin eod inAerd nuAlrfno’us ltfeoa’s m tetahm en thaen nd awnid ll wneilvl er nefvoer r forabouat bnouatt unrae tuversure versus nus rtnuurret uren  onn e osnide e soidf e thois f tvhenis ervenaberle adbele badtee bais te is get tghee t mthae gmicaagl ifceael lifneg eloinf g ruonf nruinng nbineg hibned htinhd em thuem nduer ntdher at tshpalt enspdliend did the vthiee w vitehw at tahtaht leattihc leptrioc cplirvoictiles ivitaines d atnald entats lenarte s ianrne aitnen autest  aus st genas es genes starrsty sarkryy s, a tkyo, a trch iorn hch ian hnd, wandat, wchaintcg Ahinrg Anulrfno aulnfo ad hnis fd hris fienrdis fenodcs fusoecd used makme askoe mse omof e uos f tauls ler taloler r moor rme dorae rkd- sakrkin- snkeidn, ntehder, te hmere ust mbue st gbene es genes intenintlty enotn ly tohn at thaallt  imallp iomrtpaonrt tabant ll, baklilc, kkinicgk, insega, rscehairncgh, inbug, t bualwt aayls ways that tihnaflt uinenflcue enbcioe lobgioicloagl iccaapal ccaipaties citaies nd apnsd ycphsoylcohgoicloagl iicnacl liinnactliionnas tioto ns to runnruinngn, inrugn, nruinngn, inrugn, nruinngn. ingven. tvuenalltyu, ahlloyw, hevoerwe, vserom, se omof e thoe f trhue nrunbe atbhe leattes hleItes f naItf unrae tis urme is orme iomre piomrtpaonrt ttahnat n thnaun rtnuurret, uthreen , thto en beto cobmece ome ners nsters artsted artto ed drto op drooup t foruot m frocrm amcrpasm, apnsd , afinnd alfilyn, aalrlyo, uanrd oumnd idmniigdhnt, ight, an eaxn tremextre emathe leatteh, leytoeu , yfiorst u finrst eed neto ed htao ve htahve e rthige hrt igpahrt enpatrs enwtis th wtihth e the ArnuAlrfno’us ltfeoa’s m telaam pplead ppSeild viSniolv’s inaon’s d atnhe d rtahce e rwacae s wovaer s oavfer ter afatber ouat bsoeuvt sevrighrt igghent es genes ecadees cadoes f resof eraesrceh arhcah ve hainve deiend deceod nficormnfierd mtehd at tghenat es genes enty enmty iles. miles. nlike nl ikoe n a, otnhaer, te hwerae s wnao s anpo plaapupslea, unso e, anno noaunnncoerun, cnero , no do pdlaoy p kleayy r koelye rs ionle ms inan my aanspye acspts oecft sps oof sprt aonrdt a enxder ecxiseer,c iinsec,l iudncinludg oinugr o ur 3 3 triumtripuhmanpt hmanut smicu. snicst. enadst, eeavder, eyvoerne younst e suast t dsoawt dn obwy n abn y enan orenmoorums ous motmivaottiiovn atitoo n exto erecxisere ciisn e thin e tfihrst e fiprst laceplace Tha t Tshaait ds, aiindt, eninstienve seivffe oretffs orts bonfibore anfinre ad dnrd dank franrok fm groom gurdos ourdf hs oomf hemomaemde caodre cn boren ber. eer.have hfaavie lefd aitlo ed idteno itdifeny stipfey csipfiec cgifienc es genthes at tehxapt leaxin plmain ucmh uacbh ouat baotuht leattihc letic ­n t­he n suthre fsuacer, fathcea, t trarájiparihat rarájipari was wthae s atnhe titahnestitis hesof is roof nmroannm. at nw. as t was talentat leninct luindcinlug dihnog w haonw d awnhd y w€enhy €enyan yaann d a‚ntd hi‚opthiaion piraun nnruers nncers ur-cur- a tota altloy taulnly coumncmomermciaerl, csiaiml, psile mcpolme cmomunmituy neivteny etv, enpatr, t paof rt an of aann ciaennct ient 44 rentrly endtolmy dinomate indaistte adnistce arnucne nruinngning In a dIn diatidodni, tistonu, dsties udoif es proof fpesrsoifoesnsail onal 22 tradtitriaodn ittiohn at tphraot baprbolbay dbaly tes dabates ck bathck outshaonudss anodf s yeoaf rs.years.athleattes hlewtes ho wphuo sh puthse h ltihme iltis moif tens odf uenradnucre arnecve erael vtehaal t tthhae t bathre rbaiers rriters hey they ‚her ‚e hwerae s wnao s no timitnimg, inno g, enno treny fterey , faened , anno d onno e ownoe re waonre y asnpy ecsipal ecgieaal rg. eƒaur. t ƒin ut otin her other must mouvst erocovermce oimnce luindce lupdhe yspiholyosgioicloagl icchaal lclenhaglles enlgies ke lgikene ergenatierng atminug sm- us- respreesctps, emctsu, cmh uacbh ouat btohue t rarájiparithe rarájipari was wfaams filaimar. ilAialrt. hAoultghh outhgerh te hwerere e were cle fcole rce forecffe ecetffiveecltyi, vefluye, lifnug elitnhg emthsemelves selvees fficeienffictliyen, atlny, d acnod ntcroonlltirnog lling no trnoo pthrioes phoir es proir „pes rif„oes r tfhoe r wthie nnwersinn, ersthe , rtahce e rwacae s wa ass era iosuers iocoums cpoemtipetitheir thbeior dy botemdy ptemeraptuerraet, ubure, t buthest te hescoe mcpoemtitpoers titoarrs e aerve en evmen orme ochre alc-hal- tion, tioannd , atnhd e twhie nnwiinng nitneag m teaam maasmsead ssa ed sma asll mfaolrl tufonre tutnhe antkhs anto ks altl o all lengleend gbey d pbsy ycphsoylcohgoicloagl ihcual rdhlues rdlTes o kTeo ep kegeop inggo, ingrge, agt raetaht leattes hlemtes ust must the bthee ttibnegtt. inngst. enad steoaf d …oaf to…raadtoer, atdheer, te hwerae s wpinoleas pinole. †ik. e †tihke e throe nmroann man learn leato rn cotpo e cowpie th wpaith inpa, bie n, stbre atstegraicte, ganicd , aanbd ovae baolvl e baelll iebvee litehvee y thcaen y cdao n do triatthrlieatteshl, etteshe , ‚thae ra‚haurmahaurma raura nnruers nnsuers ffersueffd erinetd eninsteenly, sbaelyt, tlbaintg tlninag unauit5 it5 †e m†ue st mtuhst ertefhoerre eflooroe k lo‡uost k ‡aus st maus cmh uat ch thae t oththe er otshier de soidf e thoe f nthae tunrae ture sea, sceraa, mcrpasm, apnsd , acnrd uschriunsg hifnatg igfuatei. gAuen. d Apnerd hpaerps hathpe s mthoe st miomst piomrtpaonrt tant versuversus nus rtnuurre tduere badtee baante d acnod nsciodner sihdoer w henow vienronvimroennmt, enestp, eescipalelcy iacluly l-cul- simisliamriitly aris ity this at tahlamt oast lmaolst l tahle l tahtte enadtteenes dewes ere wberye stbanystdersand, ersnot , nruont runturet, curoen, ctroibuntrtes tibuto ees tvero eyvderay pydaey popleeo’s apleth’s alettihc aletbiic alitbies ailitines ad imnd ipumlspesulses ners. ners. ˆhiˆle hsiolme se oomf e thoe f sthpe ecstpateocrs tatoocrs caosciocnasailoly naullmy puemd pinetd o itnhte o rtahce e race The Tmhe ost mwost ideswpidreseapd reaand d ainnd tuiintitvueilty ivaeply peaaplpineg alilning e lionf e thoif ntkhiinng king for a fofer w a flaepw s, laopnsl, y oa nfley w a f‚eaw ra‚haurmahaurma caorma cpoemte pien te thiesn te hresace es. rac‰es. ost ‰aorst e are abouat bothue t tehffe ecetffs eocf ts nouf rtnuurre tuon re pohn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivairtisy es arisfres om froam n idan ea idea contcenont tteno wt tao wtch ratacth rher tathher tan rhaun rn. un.knowknn oaws n thae s tthhe eotrhy eoorf y thoe f tnhae tunraatl uhrual mhaunm Aanc coArcdcionrg ditno g thto is tvhiis ewv, iew, chamchpaiomnpeid onbed y tbhy e teihe gheitegenhttehen- centh-t cuenry tuprhy ilopshoiplohser opher ean-e aacn-q uaes cques ‰ou‰ssoeuasus, eahuu, mhaunms awnhs o wlhivo e liin ve win hawt h‰aot u‰ssoeuasu setaeru mtered ma ed “sa av“asgaev” age” The MThe Myth oyf tth ohe Atf the Athletihc Sletiavc Sagaevagestate stoaf te noaf tunrae turerfle ercet floeuct r otruur et, riuneh, erinenhert senelt ves seluves ncournrcuoprtreud pbtey d cbivy i-civi- ‚he ‚rhace es ra ces saw  saat w aot n a oanna d atnhd e tShiere rSa ier‚raa ra‚haurmahaurma warera e wierne spiinrisnpg iring liŒatliioŒna tioTnh is Tthhis eotrhy eohray s hbaes en bewen arpwead rpiend to inmto anmy afnory mfosr, minsc, luindcinlug ding but bualst o aplsero ppleerxpinlegx. iˆngh. o ˆis ho mis orme noroe rmnoarl mfraol m froam n eavn oluevtioolnuatiroy nparery perthe mthye th myotf h thoe f nthoe blne osbalve asgaev, atghee , bthee lief betlihef at tnhoat nwnoestnwerestnierŒend iŒpeed opplee ople specstpiveecŠ ttivheoŠ ste ohof use os f uwhs o wphuo sh opusuh or buodr bies todio des to o dnoo nesnosnenestsiaenl ptihayl psihcayl sical whowse homse inmds inhdas ve hanvoe t nboet en bepen olluptoeld lutbey d tbhy e tshoe ciasol cainal d amnd ormal oervail ls evils activaictitesivi, tisesom, seotimmees timin es eixn tremextreem, or e, thoor ste hoosf e uos f wuhs o wphro efer prefto er avto oid avoid of ciovf ilciŒiveid liŒseod ciesoty ciaerte y narae tunraatluly ragloly od goaond d adned cendetc enAltt hAoultghh ouwgh idewly idely Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 10Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 107/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 11Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 117/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

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