16 16 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 17 17 rougrhouly ghtwly eltvwe ehlvue nhdurend drHed adHzaa, dozna, ly onably ouat bofouut r fohuur nhdurend drsted ill stpirlel -pre-My Moby serobvsaertiovnas tiosnins cse inthce at thdaat y daaloy nag lownig th wpituh blpisuhbelisd hsted udsties udoies f of domdionmanitnly anhtuly nht uannd t agand thgaert, haernd , atno d fitno d fitnhd este hfesewe , femwo, rme torrae dtitriaodniatil onal their thaeictr ivaicty tivleitvy els levceols nficorm nfimrm y imniy tiianl iitmial pirmespsiroesns: iwonh: en whHen adHza admzen a men HadHzaa, dyzoau , ynoeu ed nesteud rstdy ujredey pjse, eapn s, eaxn perexipenercieend gceud idgeu, iadned , aa nld ot a olf ost koif ll skill and awnod mwen omaen re ian re cain mcpa, mthpe, y thaere y aalrme oast lmaolst waayls wdayos indg oilnigg ht ligchhot rces hores to trtao vetrl aovveer l otvrer eactrheeracohuers oterus raterinr. ainft. er fa ter raia nrstaoinrmsto, rdmri, vdinrg ivitnwg entwty enty whilwe hsiilte tinsig ttionn g tohn e tghre ougnrdou, ngods, sgipoisnsgip, inlogo, klionog kianfg ter afcter hildchrenild, renan, d and miles cmilaes cn taakn te makoe mst oof tst ohe df thae dy.ay.otherotwhisere wjisust e jhuast nghianng gianrg ouanrdou. ndf . couf rscoeu, rsHea, dHza admzen a maen nd awnod mwen omen any athniy ntgs hinsugs rpsurisrepd rismee d wmhe en wh en first fiwrst alkwead lkinetd o ia ntHo aa dHza adcazma cp amp head heoaud t oaulmt oast lmeovst erey verday y dto ay thto e tbuhe sh buto sh htuo nht uonr t gaor thgaer thfoer odf. oodh. e he midm- midor- mnionrg nionn g a on tora ritdo, rrsuidn, nsuy ndnay y din ay in , bu t , bu rt em remembemer bber einbg eing womwen omten ypictyaplliy calellay ve lecaave mcp amin p thin e mthoe rmnionrg nianng d awnad lk wsaelk verseavl ermail les miles espeescipalelcy iastlly rustck rubcy k hboy w hoew vereyvoerne yowne as waaps paarpenpatrly endtloy indg oinothingng nothing. . to soto mseowmheerwe herthe ey thceay n cdain g dfoig r tfuor bers. tubers. igginigg giis ng a is rea lareinlag ianng d and HadHza adcazma cpas mcopns scist onosist f a ofef w a fteemw ptemoraproy rgarray sgs rhauss ts htuhtas t tbhlaent bd lenin d wiin th with sociasol ctaiasl k tathsk at tuhsuat aulsuly ainllvy oilnves volsvies ttinsig ttiinn g a in groa ugp rouunp duer ndther e buthe shbues shes the tsuhe rrsuournrdouinng dibung shbues. sh es. did ndt idrneat lirzee al izhe a d hwaad lkwead lkined to ina to caa mcp amp in thin e sthhe adse haadne d aunsd inug sistnig cksts icto ks eto caevacte aveadte ibele ditbulbe ers tubaers nd arnod ots. roots s. s untiul ntfoil u nfd oumnyd smelf ysaemlf id amabid ouat bfiofutt efien fteHen adHza admzena m, wenom, wenom, aennd , acnhd il-chil-HadHza adwzoa mwen omden ig, dthige, y theaet y seoamt se oomf e wohf awt thhaet y theety raect trwacht ilwe hcihle atctihnag tting dren dwren ho wwhero e wseritte insig ttoinn g thoe n gthroe ugnrd ouans d shaos wshn oiwn n figin ufire gu. r€e he . €whoe mwen omen and amnd inmdiinng ditnhg eir thieinfr anints faannts d atnodd dtloers. ddlers. n thn e wthae y wthaery te haerne d aband ckba, ck, and candhil cdhreinld wreenr we reerlea rxeinlagx oinng o onne o snidee s, aidnde, a thend m theen m oenn a onon athenort. ‚henr.e ‚ ne womwen omoen ften ofstten op stto op coto lleccot llbeerct rbieser, rinesut, sn, uotr s, otohr er othfoer odfs. oods. n thn e ftehw e few fellofw ellwow as wstars aistghratenighinteng isnog mse oamrre oawrsr, owansd , aa nfd ew a fcehw ildchren ildrwen ere wterode -tod-occaosciocnass iownhs en wh en hav e haacvce oamccpaomnipaed nHiead dHza admzen a moen n houn nhtsu, nwte s, wwae lkwead lked dlindg lianbg ouatb, obuutt , buno t onno e ownae s wenas gaengegad gin ed ainn y ahnay rd hawrod rkw. o€ro k. b€e o sube resu, re, betwbeeen twesen even sevaen nd atnen d tmen iles. mil es. hen hten hey thaere y tarrae cktriancg kianng imanalsim, athlse , the the Hthae dHza adwzera enwert enlout nlgouinng goinn g soon fasso, fwaast, cwhaintcg h€inƒg , €mƒu, nmchuinncg hpinog tapto otato pace pais cve ais rievd arbuied t nbuevt er nesvo er fasst o ftahst at t hwat a snwt asanblt e atbo le keto ep keuepp , aunpd , aonftd en often chipcsh, iapnsd , asnipd psinipg pisnog das, obuda, t buthet y thweery e wderoe indg oiwnhg awt hso at mso anmy ahney alhth ealth the hthue nhters untsters op stto op rest to raest nd alonod k loaorok uanrdou. ndh. en ehvener etvher ey theney coenunctoer una ter a experextps wertas wrn uars tn uo as tvoo aidv„ soiidtt„ sinigtt.ing.honehyobneee ybheive eh, itvhee, y thsteoy pst, mopa, kme aa kfie ra e, fisrme, oskme ookue t tohue t bthee esb, eaesnd , agnod rgge orge themthsemelves oselvn fes oresn fh hresoh hneyo.ney. monmg othne g mthae nmy astnuy dsties udoif es thoe f Hthae dHzaa, doznae , oanske ead skfoerd tyf€o srit y€H sia dHza adza 14 14 adulats dutlo ts wto ear weliagr htliwgeihtgwheit ghhet arht earartt e ramte onmitoors nitofors r fsoer verseavl erdaal ys.days. ccorcdcionrg ditno g thto este hsesene ssoenrss, othrse , athvere aavgere aagde ulat dHulat dHza adspza ensdps ena dgs raa ngd rand total tootf atl horf ete hhreoe urs hoaunrs d afonrd ty fomrtiy nmuties nua tes daa y ddoay indg oliingg ht liagchtt ivaictites ivitaines d and two thwoo urs houanrs d afnod urftoeuen rtemen inmuties nua tes daa y ddaoy indg oimng odmeroadte eroar te voigr ovroiguos rous activaictites. ivities. lthoultghh outghh este hfesew e fheow urs hoouf rs huof sthliunstg lainng d abund stbulinstg lpiner g dpaer y day makme tahkem e thaem bouat btowuet ltvwe etilvme es timmes orme aocrte ivae cttihvae n ththae n atvhere aavgere agme ermicaern ican or „our ro„pueraonp, ebay n, nbo y stnro etstch reotcf h thoe f itmhe agiminaagtiionn atcioon ulcd oounld e ocnhe arcahcaterraiczte erize their thweior rkwlooarkdls oaads s baas ckbabrcekabkrienagk. ingn . avn eraavgere, atghee , twhoe mwen omwen alk wfialvk e five miles mia les daa y danay d adnig d fdoir g sfeovr erseavl erhoaul rsho, uwrsh, erwehaers tehae s mthen e mwen alk wbaelk twbeeen tween 15 15 seven sevaen nd atnen d mten iles mia les daa y.day. nd wnhd en whten hey thaereny at renbeit nbg eivnerg y vaercty ivaec, tive, they tthyepy ticyaplliy rcaest olly rest or do lr digo lht wighot wrk.ork. he Hhae dHzaa, dmzao, rmeoovrereo, vaerre , tayrpe ictyapl iocf aol tohf er othhuer nhteru€n gaterth€ gaerter hergrer ougprs oups whowse hopshe yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivleitvy els levheals ve hbavee en besten udstieudd. iedh. e ahne tharnotphorloopgoist logist †ich†aircd ha‡r. d ˆ‡ee . ˆaeste onastisohneisd htehd e twhoe rlwd oirn ld ‰Šin ‹Š ‰Šb‹y Š dboy cudmocenumtineng titnhg at that fIgufIre 2gu rWe 2ha t I sWhaat I sw wahw wen I fihern I fist arrrsivt aed irrin tved ihis Hn thaids Hza cadaza c a st evesrt e vedr is d is Œan Œhaun nhteru€n gaterth€ gaerters heriers n thin e Žthae laŽhaalrai hsapreni sd penond ly otnwly o ttwo o thto rete hhreoe urs hours 16 16 a daya dfoayra gfoinragg ifonrg fofoord fo. od. sittins€i ‚ƒttinh€ ‚ƒt h „t an „ie …an †ie …ie †erieaenr‡an‡ ˆee ˆmeie gmht ihghavt e huavne duernestderimestatiemd ahteod w hmow ucmh uch Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 16Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 167/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 17Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 177/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM
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