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18 18 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 19 19 20 20 work wothrk e tShae n Sdaon , budo, t bumot rme roerce enret cstenut dsties udoies f otohf er othfoer ragfoinrag gipnog puploap-ula- PALPA. LY.ou r YoPuAr L Pis AL cais lcucalalcteud laates d thae s trhate io raotf io hoof w hmow ucmh uench erengy erygoy u you 17 17 tions tiorneps orret psoirmt isliamrly ilamrloy dmest odpest hyspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivleitvy els levaes ls thae s tHhae dHzaa.dza. spensd penin d a itn wa entwtyen- fotuyr-- fo huour-r hopuerr ipod erdioivd iddeivd idbey d thbe y athme oaumnt ouof nt enoerf engy ergy ne esnpe eescipalelcy iawlely llw- steulld- stieud dgierod ugp rois up this e thsie masnime, awnhe, o wfihso h, fihsuhn, ht, uanntd , and you ywoou uwld ouulsd e uto se suto stsuain styaoin ur yobuor dy boif dy yoiu f ynoeu ver nelvefer t lyefout r yobuer d. bTedh. is This grow gra ow few a fcerw opcs roin ps thin e thme azmon azroan in rfaoirn estfo. restv. eravller, aslli, masnime aande ulats dults ratio hrataio hs thae as thdve aandtvaagne otagf be oeif bng ueinng ubiansbed biasey dd biffy derienfferces iencn bes ion bdy soidy se. ie. are pahre yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctfiovr e ffoour r foto ur setvo en sevhen ours hopuer rs dpaer y, dwaiyt, h wmith en menen gaeng-gag- TheoTrheetiocraeltliyc aa llby ig a pbersig poersn wohn o wis ho veris y vperhy yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctwivie ll whialvl e htahve e the ing iin ng viign ovroiguos rotauss kts alsikks e lhikue nhtiunng tfionr g ofnor ly oanbloy uat bsoeuvt ensetvyen- twtyo - tmwio nmuties nutes samse PamAe PL aAs a sL as a small pmaersll poersn wohn wo dhoo des tohes te shame se aamcte aivictites.ivities. a daa y daany d awnod mwen omenen gaengigang giinn g ailmn oast lmnoo st vnigo ovroiguos roaucts ivaicty tivait ty alal t buall t but ver svier ncse itnhce e PthAe L PmAeL trmic ewtraic s wcoans cceionvecdei vsecdien sctistiens thistavs e hmavee amsueraesud red insteinad stedaod indg oimng ostmly ostligly ht ligto ht mto odmeroadte ertaatse kts assuks ch suacs h chas ild chciald re caanre d and the tPhAe LPs AoLf s thoof utshaonudss anodf s poef opplee ofprloe m froem verey verway l woaf l liofe f lainfe d aenvd erey very 18 18 corncer ornof er thoe f gthloe bgel. obf ey. ou f yaoru e a arse eda ensetdaenry toafficry oe fficwoe rwer orwer ho wgheo ts gneo ts no food pfoorod ll in lal liln , aaslsul, amssuinmg tihnag t twhhat awt hhuant hteru-n gaterth- gaerters herders o is deo vis oluevtioolnuatiroinly arily e­erec­isere caispae rat pafrrot m frogm energenallery aslhly ufflshiunfflg ianbg ouatb oyuotu r yoPuAr L Pis AL pris obaprbolbay bly “nor“mnoarl,m tahl,en thcen omcpormehpenreshienve sstivue dsties udoif es coonf tcemonptemoraproy rfaorry agfoinrag gpinog p-pop- betwbeeen twe‚.en ƒ a‚n.ƒ d a‚.n„d . ‚.f „y. ou f yaore u maroe dmeroadteerly ataeclty ivae ctainve d aen­erd ec­isere caisn e haon ur hour ulatiuolnas tiofnros m from fricaf, ricas, ia, sainad , atnhd e thme ermicaers iicnads iicnadte ictahte at ta hatt ypa ictyapl ical a daa y doar y hoar ve haa vpe ha yspihcaylsliy cadlemly daemndianng di…nob g l…iob e lbieie nbg eia ng coa nstcornustctrioun ction humhaun mwaon rkwdoary kudsaey d utso ed be to abboe uat bsoeuvt en sevhen oursho, uwrsit, h wmituh cmh uocf h thoaf t tthimat e time worwero ryerou r yoPuAr L Pis AL liis elly ibeely twbeeen twe‚.en † a‚n.† d a‡n.ˆd . ‡.f ˆy. ouf r yoPuAr L Pis AL abis ovae bove 19 19 ‡.ˆ y‡.oˆu a yore vu airge voroiguosrloy ausclty aive fctiovr se feovr sereavl heroaul hrs a dours a day. ay. spenst poenn t liogn ht liagchtt ivaictites ivitaines d aant d maot st maon st haon ur hoouf r viogf ovroiguos roaucts ivaictyti.vity. o o be subre esu, threer, te his erve ais riavtairoin atfiroon m frgorm ougp roto up grtoo ugp roaunp d afrnod m frsoem assoen asto on setao -sea- AlthAoultghh outghh erte his ere mis ucmh uvcah riavtairoina tiPoAn LPs AoLf s huof nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters heraers ver-aver- son, saonnd , atnhd erte his ere no is suno ch suthch intg hains g a avs aca avtiaocn atoior n reotr irremetirenemt, enbutt , mbuot st most age a‚g.‰ e f‚o.‰ r mfoen r maen nd a‚n.Š d f‚o.Š r wfoor mwenom enslig hstlily ghbtely lobw elPoAw L PsAcL orses cofroes r for 21 21 hunhteur-n gatetr-h gaerters hereners gaenge gain ge min odmest odlest evels levoef ls phof yspihcayl siecffaol retff, omrtu, cmh uocf h of subssuistbensistce enfacre mfaersrm erswh icwh haicvh eraavgere a‡g.‚ e f‡or .‚ mfoen r maen nd a‚n.‰ d f‚o.‰ r wfoor mwenom. en. it acict oamccpolismhpelisd hwehd ilwe hsiitle tinsigtt. iHngo. w Hdoiw fferdienffert, enthten, t, haenre , suare ch “sunch “ormnoarl mal To pTuo t pthuest te hvesae luves aluines to icnoto ntceo­nt teh­ut nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter herPer ALPs AaLre s aabre ouat btohue t the humhaunms afnros m fropm ostpinodstuistndruiastl rpieaol pplee olpikle e lmike e m‚ane d ‚apnerd hpaerps haypos uƒy, onuoƒ, t not samse aams e thaos ste hoof se faocf tofary ctworoy rwers oraers nd afnard mfaers rmiers n thin e dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd orld to mteno mtioenn tfiaorn mfaers rmlers ike ltihke e thae rahaurmahaurma, afarac, tofary ctworoy rkwersork, ersand , aonthd ers others Œ‚.ŠŽŒ ‚a.ŠnŽd  aanbd ouat b‚o‘ upt er‚‘ cpenert chenigt hher igthher an thPaAn LPs AoLf s peoof pplee owplie th wditesh  d…esob s …obs whowse lhoivse les hives have baeve ben teren tansrfaonrmsfoerd bmey cd bivy cilizivaitliiozna„tion„ in dien vedloepveeld opceod unctoruies ntrŒi‚es .„ŽŒ. ‚.„n Ž. otn her othwer ordwso rtdysp ictyapl ihcual nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters herers are aabroe uat baos upt has yspihcaylsliy caacllty ivae ctais ve Aams erAmicaernis caonr s uor ropueraonps eawnhs o winhco luindce lude abouat baon ut haon ur hoouf r e­oerf ec­isere ciisn e thin eir thdeiar ily daroiluy trinoue. tinn e. can se cyaosu e yaoru e waroe nw- on- ActivAcity otivivtey or tvhe Aer the Ages ges deridnerg imngo st mmost ammmamals mian ls thin e wthie ld whiald ve hPavAe LPs AoLf s ’.o’ f o’r .’ moor rme onreea rnly early 22 22 twicte waics e hais gh hiags h haus nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters.herers. …n †‡…n ˆ‰†, ‡iˆn ‰, thin e tahfte eramfterath maotf h Šoof rŠld oŠrld ar Š……a, r th……e , t‹hne it‹ed niŒtead tiŒonas tiocnres - cre- Thu Ts hcuosm cpaomrapativrealty ivseply easpienag ing ated atthed e Žthoe od Žoaond d angd ricugrltiucure lturre ganrigazantiiozn at‚iŽon ‚Žƒ to eƒ ltio meilnimate inhaute nh- un- humhaunms awnhs o wmho ust mhuust nht uannt d agand thgaer thaler l tahle l tfhooe d fotohd ey theeay t aenat d amnd ame ae ger, gfoero, d foinod seicnusreictyu, raitnyd , amnd alnmuatlrnituiotrni. ti‘onu. t ‘wuht en whŽen  Žsc iensctistiens tistans d and evereyvtherinytg htihneg y tohwey n obwy n hbay nd haanre d suarbe stsuabnsttiaalnly tilaeslly s laescts ivae cttihvae n thaavern aavgere age burebuaurceraauts crfiarst ts fitrrst ied trtio ed figto ufire gouure t hoouw t hmow ucmh ufocoh d fothoe d wthoe rlwd onreld edneede, ded, free-f rreane-g rianng mginag mmmamals.mals. they threeay lirzeead lizthed ey thdeidy nd’t idknn’t ow knion w pain rt paberct abuesce authsee y thweery e wiergne oirgannot roaf nt of “ere“’s eraen’s otahnerot hstera rtstlianrg tliwnag y woaf y thoif nthiinng ianbg ouat bothuest te hesnue mnbuersmb• ers• how hmow ucmh uench erengy erpgey opplee ospple enst pbeneit nbg eiancg tivaec. tivef . couf rscoeu, rsa eb, iga gber igpgerer -per- if yoiu f yaoru e aa re typa ictyapl ipcaersl poersn won ho wbaho rebaly ree­ly erec­iseresc isiest w oit uwld outald e tayoe u you son smon ust meuast t meaot rme coare lorciaes lorpies er pder ay dthay an tha an sma asllmer alpler erspoersn, buont , buhot w how …ust …aun st haon ur hoour r twor o towf o woaf lwinalg ipner g pder ay dto ay bte o abs e pahs yspihcaylsliy caalcly tivae ctaivs e as mucmh umcoh rme fooroe d fodoo d yodu o ynoeu ed nteo ed eatt o ief ayt oiu f yaore u a afrae ca tofary ctworoy rkwero, rka erm, ia nmer, iner, a hua nhteru-n gaterth- gaerterh. ererven . vsen o fseow  fAew merAmicaernis caonr s our ropueraonps eacnus rrcenurtrly ently a fara mfaerr, moerr a , ocr oma cpoumter puptrer ogprraomgrmamerm„ ern„ d hnod w hdoo w thdoo ste hnoese edns eveadrs y viaf ry if manmagae nato ge acto hiaecvhe iethve oste homse odmest odlest evels levoef ls acotf ivaictyti. vTithy. e Tahve eraavgere aPgAe L PAL you ayore mu arae mle, faemle, faemle, palree, pgnraengtn, yanotu, yngou, onr eg, oldr eerllyd„erly„ of inodf uistndruiastliriead liaedd ulats duin lts thin e dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd ois rld ‚.„is † ‚.a„n†d  amnd anmy asnedy -sed- 23 23 Ž Žsc iensctistiens tistdes ciddeecd idto ed mto eamsuerae supree oppleeo’s penle’s erengy ereg“y pene“dpientudres itures entaenry tianrdy iivnidduivails duhaals ve heavven e evloen wer lowPAer LPs.ALs. Thes Te hdesee cldineescli nmeso rmeoovrereo ver usinug sitnhg e tshie mpsilest mplest metrmic etprioc sspibolses, ibtlhee , tphhe yspihcayl sicaactl ivaicty tivliety vell, evoer l, or are raerle atrievlealty ivreelcy enret caennd t alanrd gelaly rgreelfly ercet flcehcat ncghes anign es hoin w hwoe w wwoe rw oesrp ees- pe- Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 18Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 18 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 19Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 19 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

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