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— Contents Introduction Economic Environment Social Governance FE ATU RE A Conversation with Fifth Third Director Thomas H. Harvey 2021 ESG Report INTRODUCTION A Message from the Board of Directors (cont.) Nicholas K. Akins Lead Independent Director and organizational defense; key compliance, legal and ethics matters and trends; and the strategic priorities of Fifth Third’s $2.8 billion Accelerating Racial Equality, Equity and Inclusion program, including its $180 million Fifth Third Empoweri the chief ethics ofcer on its Ethics program, inclu ng Blac k F utures Neighborhood Investment Program. At our February 2022 meeting, the Board focused on the Bank’s climate risk program and key initiatives, which included a presentation from the Ceres Company Network on physical and transition climate risks. As a Board, we are very proud of the ESG progre ss that the Bank has made and all of us are committed to helping Fifth Third maintain its leadership in ESG amongst its peers. We look forward to overseeing and helping to facilitate the further signifcant progress on the Bank’s ESG jour ding up d ates about calls received on Fifth Third’s EthicsLine. The Technology Committee oversees Fifth Third’s information security and privacy programs. In 2021, the committee held sessions with the chief technology ofcer and chief information security ofcer to ensure the Bank’s approach to safeguarding customer data and other sensitive information was adequate, appropriate and refects best practices in order to stay ahead of emerging cyber threats. Fifth Third conducted a detailed, full-day cyber war game simulation involving dozens of members of management last year. Multiple members of the Technology committee, including its chair, participated directly as players in the simulation, ensuring preparation and alignment from the Board and throughout the Company. The full Board of Directors provides oversight of all Fifth Third’s ESG activities and approves the Bank’s annual ESG priorities. At meetings of the Board, the NCG committee chair provided a detailed report on ESG matters. In June 2021, the Board received a deep dive presentation on Fifth Third’s ESG program that included progress made against the Bank’s top ESG priorities, feedback from investors on ESG matters, proposed expanded disclosure in the ESG Report, and ESG trends among peer banks and the industry. The Board also reviewed reports on progress of Fifth Third’s Executive Diversity Leadership Council; cybersecurity ney for t h e beneft of all of our stakeholders. Sincerely, Hal Harvey is chairman of the Nominating and Co r porate Governance Committee of the Fifth Third Bancorp Board of Directors. He recently sat for a conversation about environmental, social and governance matters. Why do you feel it is important for businesses, and banks in particular, to have a robust ESG strategy? Banks are deeply enmeshed in the communities they serve and it is essential that they be exemplary members of those communities. Fifth Third takes this responsibility seriously. We need to demonstrate, through all our operations, our dedication to sustainability and inclusivity in all the towns and cities we serve. It is both a responsibility and a privilege to do so. What do you think is Fifth Third’s greatest strength in the area of ESG? I am proud that we have 99 percent pay equity, combined with many opportunities HAL HARVEY CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: • CEO of Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology, LLC. • Managing Partner and Principal Owner, Ajax, LLC. • Former Chair of the Board of MB Financial, Inc. • Former CEO of ClimateWorks Foundation. • Former Environmental Program Director of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. • Former President of Energy Foundation. for employees to advance their careers; that we are making serious investments in diverse communities; and that we have raised the minimum wage to $20 per hour. But, today, I have to say that our $8 billion in solar loans really sets us apart. This deployment helps with grid stability, lower prices and great jobs along with a cleaner environment. We are a leader in this feld, and will be doing much more in the years ahead. How does your experience in both fnancial services and sustainability inform and guide your leadership of the NCG Committee? I have always felt that doing the right thing will be rewarded in the marketplace. Our NCG Committee is driven by that concept. We need to be a successful bank in order to build stronger communities, and the reverse is also true. My own experience in both realms has taught me that ESG is not about sacrifce but rather about opportunity. KEY QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: • 25 years of service in fnancial services industry. • Diverse knowledge and experience with the emergence and growth of technology in the banking industry. • Extensive knowledge and experience with renewable energy, ESG and climate matters. 7

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