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5.12 Typography: Type Only Layouts In the new GE brand expression, all type is set flush left. Use type to create informative, compelling layouts that are crisp, witty, thought provoking and legible. These layouts may be simple two word headlines or statements telling a story to our customers. Note All type prints in the same color as the brand architecture and Monogram and tagline lock-up. Headline shown is 164pt, GE Inspira Regular Statement shown is 50pt, GE Inspira Regular GE Money Bank GE Consumer & Industrial Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc vitae sapien. Maecenas luctus, nibh ac fermentum pellentesque, “ We are putting sensor nunc enim faucibus ligula, vel porttitor mi metus convallis ligula. Etiam neque nibh, venenatis luctus, condimentum quis, fermentum sed, purus. In nisl dui, dictum a, ultricies at, consectetuer sit amet, turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut nunc. technology developed for medical devices, aircraft €90,000 engines and electrical systems into refrigerators, ranges and other home now products to give consumers superior control.” imagination at work imagination at work B2B Print Advertising Version 1.0

General Electric Brand Book - Page 38 General Electric Brand Book Page 37 Page 39