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Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), rights to open a bank account and obtain credit at ILOSTAT. a formal 昀椀nancial institution to women and men, without legal exceptions regarding some groups of women. However, some customary, religious or traditional practices or laws discriminate against Unemployed adults, % of labour force women’s legal rights; Uneven rights: Women and Share of the labour force aged 15–64 (M/F) that men have the same rights to open a bank account is without work but available for and seeking and obtain credit at a formal 昀椀nancial institution to employment. De昀椀nitions of labour force and women and men. However, this does not apply to unemployment differ by country. all groups of women; Restricted rights: Women and men have the same rights to open a bank account Period: 2022 or most recent year. at a formal 昀椀nancial institution. However, women do Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), not have the same rights as men to obtain credit; ILOSTAT. Unequal rights: Women do not have the same rights as men to open a bank account at a formal 昀椀nancial institution. Share of workers employed part-time, % Period: 2019. The incidence of part-time employment, also known Source: OECD, Gender, Institutions and as the part-time employment rate, represents Development Database (GID-DB). the percentage of employment that is part time. Part-time employment in this table is based on a common de昀椀nition of less than 35 actual weekly hours worked. It is derived from both the indicator Inheritance for widows & daughters on employment by sex and actual weekly hours Index measuring whether women and men have worked. the same legal rights to inheritance of land and non-land assets. For each case, the OECD Period: 2022 or most recent year. numerical scores have been translated as: Equal Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), rights: Widows and daughters enjoy the same ILOSTAT. rights as widowers and sons to inherit land and non-land assets. This applies to all groups of women. Customary, religious and traditional laws or practices do not discriminate against women’s Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic inheritance rights; Near-equal rights: Widows and and care work, by sex, age and location, % daughters enjoy the same rights as widowers and Monitors the average time men and women sons to inherit land and non-land assets. This spend on unpaid domestic and care work per applies to all groups of women. However, there are day. Data is expressed as a proportion of time some customary, religious or traditional laws that in a day. Domestic and care work includes food discriminate against women’s inheritance rights; preparation, dishwashing, cleaning and upkeep of Uneven rights: Widows and daughters enjoy the a dwelling, laundry, ironing, gardening, caring for same rights as widowers and sons to inherit land pets, shopping, installation, servicing and repair of and non-land assets. However, this does not apply personal and household goods, childcare, and care to all groups of women; Restricted rights: Widows of the sick, elderly or disabled household members, or daughters do not enjoy the same rights as among others. widowers and sons to inherit land and/or non-land assets; Unequal rights: Widows and daughters do Period: 2020 or most recent year. not enjoy the same rights as widowers and sons to Source: United Nations, Department of Economic inherit land and/or non-land assets. and Social Affairs. Period: 2019. Source: OECD, Gender, Institutions and Development Database (GID-DB). Access to 昀椀nance Access to 昀椀nancial services Measures whether women and men have the same Access to land assets legal rights to open a bank account and obtain Index measuring whether women and men have credit at a formal 昀椀nancial institution. For each case, the same legal rights and secure access to land the OECD numerical scores have been translated assets. For each case, the OECD numerical scores as: Equal rights: Women and men have the same have been translated as: Equal rights: Women rights to open a bank account and obtain credit at a and men have the same legal rights and secure formal 昀椀nancial institution, without legal exceptions access to land assets, without legal exceptions regarding some groups of women. Customary, regarding some groups of women. Customary, religious and traditional laws or practices do not religious and traditional laws or practices do not discriminate against women’s above legal rights; discriminate against women’s legal rights; Near- Near-equal rights: Women and men have the same equal rights: Women and men have the same legal Global Gender Gap Report 2023 70

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