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Population sex ratio (female/male), % dam/enterprisesurveys/documents/methodology/ Ratio of the number of females (thousands) to Indicator-Descriptions.pdf. males (thousands) in the population of a society. World Bank staff estimates based on age/sex Period: 2022 or most recent year. distributions of United Nations Population Division’s Source: World Bank Enterprise Survey. World Population Prospects. Period: 2021. Source: World Bank. Firms with female top managers, % Percentage of 昀椀rms in the private sector who have females as top managers. “Top manager” refers to the highest-ranking manager or CEO of the Population growth rate, % establishment. This person may be the owner if he/ Year-on-year percentage change in total population, she works as the manager of the 昀椀rm. The results calculated based on current and previous year. are based on surveys of more than 100,000 private Population is based on the de facto de昀椀nition of 昀椀rms. population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Period: 2021 or most recent year. Source: World Bank Enterprise Survey. Period: 2021. Source: World Bank. Share of workers in informal sector, % Ratio of employment of women/men in the informal Work participation & leadership sector to the total employment (irrespective of the informality/formality) of women/ men. Employment Gender wage gap in the informal sector refers all persons who, during The gender wage gap is de昀椀ned as the difference a given reference period, were employed in at between male and female median wages divided least one informal sector enterprise, irrespective by male median wages. Wages are computed for of their status in employment and whether it was full-time equivalent dependent employees and are their main or a secondary job. An informal sector expressed in US$ using current exchange rates enterprise is (1) an unincorporated enterprise, (2) a and US$ Purchasing Power Parity rates (PPPs) for market enterprise (i.e. it sells at least some of the private consumption expenditures as conversion goods or services it produces), and (3) meets at factors. For more details about the computation least one of the following criteria: (i) the enterprise of wage estimates, refer to is not registered, (ii) the employees of the enterprise earnwage/average-wages.htm. are not registered, or (iii) the number of persons engaged on a continuous basis is below a threshold Period: 2021 or most recent year. determined by the country. Source: OECD, Employment database. Period: 2022 or most recent year. Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), ILOSTAT. Share of women’s membership on boards, % Share of board members of listed companies that are women. “Board members” refers to all members of the highest decision-making body in the given Advancement of women to leadership roles, 1-7 company, such as the board of directors for a (best) company in a unitary system or the supervisory Response to the survey question, “In your country, board in the case of a company in a two-tier to what extent do companies provide women with system. the same opportunities as men to rise to positions of leadership?” 1=not at all; 7=to a great extent. Period: 2021. Source: OECD, Employment database. Period: 2022 or most recent year. Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey (EOS). Firms with female majority ownership, % Percentage of 昀椀rms answering, “More than 50%” to the question, “What percentage of the 昀椀rm Labour force, 1 million people (%) is owned by females?”. For African countries Total number of people (M/F) participating in the surveyed in 2009–2011, this indicator is the labour force. The ratio is the percentage of women percentage of companies answering, “Majority participating in the labour force with respect to the are women” or “All women” to the question, “Are total labour force. the owners of the 昀椀rm?”. For more details refer to: Period: 2022 or most recent year. Global Gender Gap Report 2023 69

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