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principle, able to accommodate all of its school-age portfolio may occur. IPU-UN Women does not population, but it does not indicate the proportion provide information for two of the 146 countries already enrolled. The achievement of a GER of (Myanmar and Afghanistan) included in the sample. 100% is therefore a necessary but not suf昀椀cient We consider the share of women holding cabinet condition for enrolling all eligible children in school. positions in these two contexts to be zero. Period: 2021 or most recent year available. Period: Data as of 1 January 2023. Source: UNESCO, UIS.Stat education statistics Source: Inter-parliamentary Union-UN Women. data portal. Years with female/male head of state (last 50) Enrolment in tertiary education, % The number of years in the past 昀椀fty-year period for Total enrolment in tertiary education (gross rate), which a woman has held a post equivalent to an regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of elected head of state or head of government in the the most recent 昀椀ve-year age cohort that has left country. It takes into account prime ministers and/ secondary school. Tertiary education consists of or presidents. Royalties are not considered. ISCED levels 5 to 8, and gross enrolment data should be examined within the context of a country Period: 1 March 1973 – 1 March 2023. structure regarding military service as well as Source: World Economic Forum’s calculations. propensity of students to seek education abroad. Period: 2021 or most recent year available. Source: UNESCO, UIS.Stat education statistics Contextual Indicators data portal. General indicators GDP, current US$ billions Sex ratio at birth, % Gross domestic product (GDP) at purchaser’s Sex ratio at birth refers to male births per female prices is the sum of gross value added by all births. The data represents 昀椀ve-year averages. resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included Period: 2020 or most recent year available. in the value of the products. Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators database. Period: 2021 or most recent year. Source: World Bank. Healthy life expectancy, years Average number of years that a person of each GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 gender can expect to live in full health, calculated international $) by taking into account years lived in less than full Per capita value for gross domestic product (GDP) health due to disease and/or injury. expressed in current international dollars converted by purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factor. Period: 2019 or most recent year available. Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Global Period: 2021 or most recent year. Health Observatory data repository. Source: World Bank. Women in parliament, % Total population, million people Percentage of women holding parliamentary seats Estimate of the number of people of all ages living as a share of total parliamentary seats. In instances in a country, regardless of residency status or where a parliamentary system is bicameral, the citizenship (except for refugees not permanently 昀椀gure used is the one for the lower house. settled in the country of asylum who are generally considered part of the population of their country of Period: Data as of 1 February 2023. origin). Source: Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU). Period: 2022. Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Women in ministerial positions, % Population Prospects. Percentage of women holding ministerial portfolios as a share of total ministry positions in each government. Some overlap between ministers and heads of government that also hold a ministerial Global Gender Gap Report 2023 68

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