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Endnotes 84. Robbins, Sam and Chia-Shuo Tang, “How Asia’s Digital Governance Beacon Balances Data Privacy and the ‘Public Good’”, The Diplomat, 20 October 2022. 85. The right to privacy is enshrined by Article 12 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. 86. Sætra, Henrik Skaug, “Privacy as an aggregate public good”, Technology in Society, vol. 63, November 2020, 87. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Enhancing access to and sharing of data: reconciling risks and bene昀椀ts for data re-use across societies, 2020, sites/15c62f9c-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/15c62f9c-en. 88. Goujard, Clothilde, “Europe edges closer to a ban on facial recognition”, Politico, 20 September 2022,; Heilweil, Rebecca, “Big tech companies back away from selling facial recognition to police. That’s progress.”, Vox, 11 June 2020, police. 89. Information Commissioner’s Of昀椀ce, Employment practices: monitoring at work draft guidance, 12 October 2022. 90. Sætra, Henrik Skaug, “Privacy as an aggregate public good”, Technology in Society, vol. 63, November 2020, 91. Cohen, Julie E., “What privacy is for”, Harvard Law Review, 20 May 2013; Taylor, L., L. Floridi and B. Van der Sloot, Group Privacy: New Challenges of Data Technologies, Springer, 2016; Taaffe, Ouida, “Will smart cities tilt the balance between data capture and personal privacy?”, Raconteur, 5 September 2022, https:// privacy/. 92. European Data Protection Supervisor, Metaverse, techsonar/metaverse_en, accessed 29 November 2022. 93. Rahnama, Hossein and Alex Pentland, “The New Rules of Data Privacy”, Harvard Business Review, 25 February 2022. 94. Of昀椀ce of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Privacy Tech-Know blog: When what is old is new again – The reality of synthetic data, 12 October 2022, id=7777-6-493564; Platzer, Michael, “AI-based re-Identi昀椀cation attacks – and how to protect against them”, Mostly AI, 22 April 2022,昀椀cation- attacks/. 95. Rocher, Luc, Julien M. Hendrickx and Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, “Estimating the success of re- identi昀椀cation in incomplete datasets using generative models”, Nature Communications, 2019, https:// 96. Narayanan, Arvind and Vitaly Shmatikov, “Robust de-anonymization of large sparse datasets”, IEEE, 28 May 2008, 97. Kolata, Gina, “Poking holes in genetic privacy”, The New York Times, 16 June 2013, https://www.nytimes. com/2013/06/18/science/poking-holes-in-the-privacy-of-dna.html. 98. Culnane, Chris, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein and Vanessa Teague, “Health Data in an Open World”, Cornell University, 15 December 2017, 99. Capotosto, Jill, “The mosaic effect: the revelation risks of combining humanitarian and social protection data”, Humanitarian Law and Policy, 9 February 2021, mosaic-effect-revelation-risks/. 100. NBC News, Priest outed via Grindr app highlights rampant data tracking, 22 July 2021, https://www. 101. UNESCO, The right to privacy in a digital age: UNESCO’s inputs for the preparation of the thematic report of the Of昀椀ce of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2022, sites/default/昀椀les/documents/issues/digitalage/reportprivindigage2022/submissions/2022-09-06/CFI-RTP- UNESCO.pdf, accessed 3 November 2022. 102. McKenna, Anne Toomey, “Customer Data Can Be Used As Evidence in Government Surveillance”, Marsh McLennan, 13 November 2022, government-surveillance/. 103. Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth, Testimony of Samm Sacks: Hearing on Promoting Competition, Growth and Privacy Protection in the Technology Sector, 7 December 2021; Sherman, Justin, “The Open Data Market and Risks to National Security”, Lawfare, 3 February 2022,; Cadell, Cate, “China harvests masses of data on western targets, documents show”, The Washington Post, 31 December 2021 ; Benson, Thor, “The Danger of License Plate Readers in Post-Roe America”, WIRED, 7 July 2022; Grant, Nico, “Google Says It Will Delete Location Data When Users Visit Abortion Clinics”, The New York Times,1 July 2022. 104. Collins, Barry, “Mission Impossible: 7 Countries Tell Facebook to Break Encryption”, Forbes, 11 October 2020. Global Risks Report 2023 54

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