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Goldman Sachs Disclosure Appendix Reg AC We, Brian Singer, CFA, Enrico Chinello, Ph.D., Michael Hao Wu, CFA, Derek R. Bingham, Evan Tylenda, CFA, Sharmini Chetwode, Ph.D., Brendan Corbett, Emma Jones, Madeline Meyer, Keebum Kim, Grace Chen, Michele Della Vigna, CFA, Neil Mehta, Umang Choudhary, Michael Lapides, Joy Zhang, Nina Dergunova, Alberto Gandolfi and Pedro Manfredini, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect our personal views about the subject company or companies and its or their securities. We also certify that no part of our compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report. Unless otherwise stated, the individuals listed on the cover page of this report are analysts in Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research division. GS Factor Profile The Goldman Sachs Factor Profile provides investment context for a stock by comparing key attributes to the market (i.e. our coverage universe) and its sector peers. The four key attributes depicted are: Growth, Financial Returns, Multiple (e.g. valuation) and Integrated (a composite of Growth, Financial Returns and Multiple). Growth, Financial Returns and Multiple are calculated by using normalized ranks for specific metrics for each stock. The normalized ranks for the metrics are then averaged and converted into percentiles for the relevant attribute. The precise calculation of each metric may vary depending on the fiscal year, industry and region, but the standard approach is as follows: Growth is based on a stocks forward-looking sales growth, EBITDA growth and EPS growth (for financial stocks, only EPS and sales growth), with a higher percentile indicating a higher growth company. Financial Returns is based on a stocks forward-looking ROE, ROCE and CROCI (for financial stocks, only ROE), with a higher percentile indicating a company with higher financial returns. Multiple is based on a stocks forward-looking P/E, P/B, price/dividend (P/D), EV/EBITDA, EV/FCF and EV/Debt Adjusted Cash Flow (DACF) (for financial stocks, only P/E, P/B and P/D), with a higher percentile indicating a stock trading at a higher multiple. The Integrated percentile is calculated as the average of the Growth percentile, Financial Returns percentile and (100% - Multiple percentile). Financial Returns and Multiple use the Goldman Sachs analyst forecasts at the fiscal year-end at least three quarters in the future. Growth uses inputs for the fiscal year at least seven quarters in the future compared with the year at least three quarters in the future (on a per-share basis for all metrics). For a more detailed description of how we calculate the GS Factor Profile, please contact your GS representative. M&A Rank Across our global coverage, we examine stocks using an M&A framework, considering both qualitative factors and quantitative factors (which may vary across sectors and regions) to incorporate the potential that certain companies could be acquired. We then assign a M&A rank as a means of scoring companies under our rated coverage from 1 to 3, with 1 representing high (30%-50%) probability of the company becoming an acquisition target, 2 representing medium (15%-30%) probability and 3 representing low (0%-15%) probability. For companies ranked 1 or 2, in line with our standard departmental guidelines we incorporate an M&A component into our target price. M&A rank of 3 is considered immaterial and therefore does not factor into our price target, and may or may not be discussed in research. Quantum Quantum is Goldman Sachs proprietary database providing access to detailed financial statement histories, forecasts and ratios. It can be used for in-depth analysis of a single company, or to make comparisons between companies in different sectors and markets. Disclosures Company-specific regulatory disclosures Compendium report: please see disclosures at Disclosures applicable to the companies included in this compendium can be found in the latest relevant published research Distribution of ratings/investment banking relationships Goldman Sachs Investment Research global Equity coverage universe Rating Distribution Investment Banking Relationships Buy Hold Sell Buy Hold Sell Global 50% 35% 15% 65% 57% 45% As of April 1, 2022, Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research had investment ratings on 3,143 equity securities. Goldman Sachs assigns stocks as Buys and Sells on various regional Investment Lists; stocks not so assigned are deemed Neutral. Such assignments equate to Buy, Hold and Sell for the purposes of the above disclosure required by the FINRA Rules. See ‘Ratings, Coverage universe and related definitions below. The Investment Banking Relationships chart reflects the percentage of subject companies within each rating category for whom Goldman Sachs has provided investment banking services within the previous twelve months. Price target and rating history chart(s) Compendium report: please see disclosures at Disclosures applicable to the companies included in this compendium can be found in the latest relevant published research

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