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Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI - Provide employees with tailored goal-setting and prog- ress tracking tools. - Provide employees with individualized feedback and recognition for their achievements. In The Startup of You and The Alliance, we lay out the case that individuals need to take control of their own career journey. This is undoubtedly true, but remains daunting. The promise of AI is that it will help people with these meta tasks that exist in parallel with explicit work assignments in order to help every employee, not just the most self-motivated and disciplined, optimize their work performance and career progression. Reid: Write a story of around 400 words about a man- ager and employee in the year 2035 using AI to work together to define a tour of duty for that employee, and leveraging AI to help that employee achieve greater productivity and accelerated career development. Illus- trate the benefits to the company, the manager, and the employee of this approach. GPT-4: It was the year 2035, and the world of work had changed drastically. AI-powered automation and arti- ficial intelligence had transformed the way businesses operated, leading to increased efficiency and pro- ductivity. Mark was the manager of a small tech company, and he was tasked with finding ways to increase the company’s output and profits. He knew he needed to find a way to motivate and engage his employees, but he was unsure of how to do so. One day, he was discussing the issue with a colleague when he was struck with an idea: what if he could use AI to create a “tour of duty” for each employee? He could use AI to define specific goals and tasks for each 120

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 127 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 126 Page 128