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Transformation of Work - Identify areas of improvement and provide tailored guidance to employees on how to improve their per- formance. - Provide employees with up-to-date feedback on their performance and job satisfaction. - Provide employees with timely recognition for their achievements. - Provide employees with tailored training and develop- ment opportunities. - Analyze employee sentiment and provide employers with an understanding of employee engagement and job satisfaction. What strikes me is how we ask managers to do all of these things today with little to no support from technology (with the possible exception of sentiment analysis). I’m still not sure how AI will do all of these things, but if it does, it will be a huge boon to managers. Reid: What are some of the ways AI can help organi- zations define specific “tours of duty” for employees, which lay out a specific mission that both employer and employee can benefit from? GPT-4: AI can be used to . . . - Develop specific job descriptions and tasks, tailored to the employee’s skills and interests. - Identify potential opportunities for employees to prog- ress and develop their skills. - Provide employees with personalized guidance and advice on how to achieve their goals. - Analyze employee performance and suggest areas to focus on and improve. 119

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 126 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 125 Page 127