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51 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report Pay Equity At Intel, we strive for an inclusive and fully engaged workforce that is reflective of the best and brightest talent in our industry. Since 2019, we have achieved gender pay equity globally and we continue to maintain race/ethnicity pay equity in the US. We achieve pay equity by closing the gap in average pay between employees of different genders or race/ethnicity in the same or similar roles after accounting for legitimate business factors that can explain differences, such as location, time at grade level, and tenure. Intel’s legal and human resources teams work with third-party experts using proven statistical modeling techniques to monitor and advance global pay equity. Our comprehensive analysis includes base pay, bonuses, and stock grants. Individual employees who are identified as having a gap through this analysis receive appropriate adjustments. A key component of our pay equity strategy is our commitment to transparency, which helps us to hold ourselves accountable and encourage action by others. In support of this goal, we first publicly released our EEO-1 survey pay data in 2019, we feel it is important to continue collecting and disclosing diversity and inclusion data publicly. Inclusive Culture Inclusion is one of Intel’s core values and it is at the heart of our culture. We have taken actions to integrate our inclusion expectations into our policies, performance management systems, leadership expectations, annual bonus metrics, and employee surveys. The Intel Code of Conduct and Intel Global Human Rights Principles set out our commitment to nondis - crimination and to provide a workplace free of harassment. We have redesigned our employee performance management system and leadership promotions process to focus on results delivered, as well as how those results are achieved through alignment with Intel’s values and commitment to inclusion. Inclusion@Intel. The global Inclusion@Intel portal provides a community for employees and empowers them to build tangible and actionable inclusive practices into their everyday work environment. This unique plat - form provides highlights on inclusive leaders, inclusion training, sharing of best practices, videos, podcasts, and scenario cards that can be used to encourage critical conversations. Our Inclusive Leaders program is designed to equip managers to play leadership roles in growing Intel's inclusive culture and fostering leadership skills needed to build diverse and inclusive, high-performing teams. In 2021, we expanded the  program across Intel worldwide via workshops and small-cohort-based learning. Employees completed over 4,000 individual learning modules in 2021. For  further impact, we also integrated the inclusion content into new “Manager Academy“ training and began rolling it out to our 13,000 managers worldwide in 2021. Inclusive Hiring Practices. We have developed a set of best practices and training to mitigate the influence of unconscious bias in the hiring process. These practices include posting of formal requisitions for internal positions, using impartial descriptions of qualifications for all open jobs, and having diverse slates of candidates and diverse hiring panels. In 2021, we also required inclusive hiring training for all of our hiring managers. Linking Compensation to Diversity and Inclusion Goals Since 2008, we have linked a portion of our executive and employee compensation to corporate responsibility metrics, including diversity and inclusion metrics. In 2021, we met these metrics, which focused on the 2030 workforce goal milestones of reaching 1,375 women in senior leadership roles globally and increasing by 10% the representation of Black/African American employees in senior, director, and executive level roles in our US workforce. In 2022, the goals related to inclusion include: increasing by another 10% the representation of Black/African American employees in senior, director, and executive level roles in our US workforce; women representing 30% of technical entry-level hires; and $1.4 billion in annual spending with diverse suppliers. For more information, see our 2022 Proxy Statement , “ Supplier Diversity and Inclusion “ later in this section of the report, and the Sustainable section of this report. Introduction Our Business Responsible Sustainable Enabling Appendix Introduction Our Business Responsible Sustainable Enabling Appendix Inclusive Inclusive

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