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Enhancing Resource Management and Efficiency Responsible resource management is an important part of our sustainability strategy, helping us reduce our impacts while improving efficiency and reducing costs. We are focused on reducing our water and waste footprint, along with appropriately managing the waste we generate. On our website, you can find more information related to our environmental data . We are focused on driving progress in the following areas: • Conserving water. Our target is to reduce water use 20% by 2030, compared to a 2017 baseline. As of the end of 2021, we had reduced water use by over 5%. Across many of our corporate offices and branches, we have already deployed a number of water efficiency measures, including low-flow fixtures, aerators and touch-free faucets. To build on these efforts, we are working to install smart meters across our portfolio that will allow us to collect more accurate and timely water use data. This will help us better monitor and control our water use, and to identify and prioritize further efficiency opportunities. • Reducing office materials and waste. In 2021, we made progress toward our commitment to reduce office paper use b y 90% by 2025, achieving a reduction of over 50% versus our 2017 baseline. We also work to recycle paper, as well as non-paper waste, throughout our buildings and branches where recycling services are available and eco - nomically feasible. In addition, we are working to optimize existing recycling services, expand such services to new locations and explore opportunities to bring composting services to more of our corporate locations with cafete - rias. To further our target of diverting 100% of electronic waste ("e-waste") from landfills, we carefully select ven - dors to dispose of our e-waste responsibly. In 2021 alone, our e-waste program diverted more than 490 metric tons of solid waste, avoiding approximately 3,000 mtCO2e of GHG emissions. • Sourcing responsibly. We recognize that the environmental and social impact of our operations extends to our suppliers’ practices. As such, we seek to do business with suppliers that share our values and commitment to mak - ing a positive impact in the communities where we operate. We partner with our suppliers to assess their sustain - ability programs, develop new internal programs and targets and to foster a culture of sustainability. In 2021, we began to formalize our engagement efforts with key suppliers on their sustainability efforts, including their emis - sions management programs. Through these engagements, we plan to work with key suppliers to disclose their GHG emissions, understand their climate actions and help them build capacity to achieve further carbon reduc - tions. For more information on responsible sourcing, see page 58. Enhancing Our Communities Through Beekeeping Bees are important for a strong food system, economic security and environmental resiliency, yet pollinator health continues to decline. JPMorgan Chase is committed to doing its part to help. Inspired by employee-managed beehives in several of our locations, we established a corporate beekeeping program to expand our reach and impact. In 2021, we installed 20 beehives across six of our corporate offices in New York, New Jersey, Delaware and other locations. These hives helped bring over 750,000 bees into these communities and helped pollinate over 450 different plant species across more than 300 square miles. In 2022, we intend to expand the program to additional locations across the U.S. 19 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL Advancing Climate and Sustainability Solutions Operational Sustainability SOCIAL GOVERNANCE ESG REPORT APPENDICES

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