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EXAMPLE INTRODUCTION OUTLINE INTRODUCTION 1. HOOK “The doctors told me I was going to die. So did the nurses. In fact, everyone I talked to for the 41 days I was in that hospital told me I would die. They were wrong. But it wasn’t them or their care that saved me. It was an accident, caused when a tired janitor left his mop bucket in my room, that saved my life…and led to the breakthrough that has since saved millions of people.” 2. THE When the Cures Act was signed into law in 2016, pharmaceutical READER’S companies and healthcare product manufacturers were PROBLEM required to be more transparent so that more research outside of clinical trials was required. Suddenly, companies had to increase their understanding of patients. But these were only baby steps in understanding the depth of patients and their stories, and how their stories impact their healthcare. Healthcare products, devices, and drugs—healthcare solutions—impact patients and their families in a much more extensive way than healthcare professionals realize. They can make a difference in the quality of care for millions, just by understanding how anthropology and design thinking work together to create patient-centricity in healthcare. 3. THE Author will explain how the tenets of anthropology and READER’S design thinking work together in a healthcare marketing SOLUTION environment to benefit patients, their loved ones, and the healthcare product manufacturers involved. 4. WHAT Readers will learn how to design marketing messages and THEY’LL LEARN products that are grounded in patient education—solutions that support these patients in their daily lives as they tackle their healthcare challenges. Readers will become aware of the value of patient understanding and empowerment in healthcare marketing. 5. AUTHOR’S After a horrible hospital stay riddled with bad care, the author BACKGROUND/ started his company to address this human angle of healthcare BOOK ORIGIN that he found lacking in the product marketing side of the system. He felt that no one else was using anthropology, then design thinking, in the manufacture of healthcare solutions. He wanted to start with the patient to first understand them and their situation before creating the educational or marketing tools that would benefit the type of care they receive. 6. WHAT THE This book is presenting a new paradigm for healthcare marketers BOOK IS and product designers. However, it is not just a theoretical AND ISN’T presentation. Readers will learn how they can improve their business and the quality of healthcare with a more ethical, successful, patient-driven (and patient-centered) approach. 7. SEGUE TO Getting to know people—the humans beneath the FIRST CHAPTER patient—is the first step in quality healthcare. 114 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 114 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 113 Page 115