10 OUR TYPOGRAPHY Continued BRAND GUIDELINES Spacing between lines should be generous. This is Trade Gothic Regular at 30pt with 36pt leading. We need to give our type the space to breathe, and make sure that we achieve the best legibility. Fonts have default spacing values which work well at smaller sizes, however, when we increase the size of our type, the space between the letters increases too. So when we are setting large type we may need to reduce the amount of space between the letters by setting the tracking values tighter. Body copy should never be tracked too tight, this severely hinders legibility and looks ill-considered. Instead, if not tracked at (0), it should be given a slightly positive tracking value along with its generous leading to help aid clarity. This type is set at 12pt on 14pt leading with tracking set to (0). Trade Gothic Regular tracking set to (0) Football S2
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