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SAMSUNG PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 14 Best practice CX SAMSUNG DIGITAL TOOLKIT Guidance Evidence (Source: Samsung simulated eRetail Multi -Variant Testing, 2021) Product title Optimised for shoppers and search engines to give key information about the product, including the product name and key feature(s) which set it apart from other Samsung ranges and competitors. - Comprehensive product titles were most preferred as they help users understand the core attributes and features of a product. - Comprehensive product titles: catch users’ attention vs basic titles; suggest the product offers a wide range of features; provides them with key information to prompt them to find out more about the product. Product bullets Summarises comparable and differentiating information about the product, using a good balance of real-life benefit and technology on offer (esp. to justify price -point if premium). - Users prefer bullet- point copy that helped them understand the real life benefits , whilst showcasing the technology on offer. - Ensure copy is straightforward – avoid jargon, be succinct & to- the -point, always be user- friendly and explain benefits. Product description Give more in-depth information about the key features, explained in a simple way. Ensure the differences between the ranges is clear from the description. Carousel Has 10 -20 images; product shots should be shown first, followed by prioritised features with text overlay to explain the feature, a video then lifestyle imagery and what’s in the box. - 76% of users who saw 20 images felt it was the right amount vs 57% with 5 images. - Adding more images to the PDP carousel nearly doubles a product’s conversion rate +90% - Key product features with accompanying text help users understand them the real-life benefits much more effectively vs no text overlay. Rich content Use images and text to convey real-life benefits while showcasing the design, technology and innovation on offer. - Samsung branded ‘rich content’ increased the unaided recall of product features & benefits vs plain text description, - When images were used in rich content, the features looked more appealing and premium to users. Video Include a product specific feature video to showcase key FABs, give the user the opportunity to envisage the product in their home & how it supports their lifestyle. Include more detailed tech videos to explain more complicated features. - Adding video can provide up to +51% uplift in conversion rate* * Source: Profitero 2018 -2019 research

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