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SAMSUNG PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 15 Best practice CX SAMSUNG DIGITAL TOOLKIT Guidance Evidence (Source: Samsung simulated eRetail Multi -Variant Testing, 2021) FAQs A list of the most frequently asked questions across the ranges. - 68% of users indicated they would use Google or a Live Chat function for help with missing information which indicates an immediate answer is desired. - FAQs on PDP will support shoppers immediately in absence of live chat. Consumer reviews A high number of positive reviews, to encourage users to trust the product. Negative comments aren’t favourable, but their impact is made worse if ignored and not responded to. Only showing positive reviews can sometimes appear inauthentic. - Responding to negative reviews increases the % of users who maintain trust in the product (even when a negative review is present) from 48% to 65%. Cross -sell Recommending additional products relevant to Samsung QN900C series target audiences e.g. Samsung Lifestyle TVs, Cordless Stick Vacuum. - Over 50% of users would consider purchasing a complementary product with a Samsung product, when prompted to do so. - Communicating the benefits of compatible products increased purchase consideration from 7% to 14% (vs. promoting the product as a bundle/add on with no explanation of Features and Benefits). - Complementary products are most noticeable when placed higher up on the page. Up -sell Encouraging users to buy a bigger size or better product. - Comparison tables drive interest in higher end models and help users differentiate between the range. - On seeing a comparison table, users selected higher end models based on having better features and were willing to spend 57% more. Warranty If applicable, talk about the warranty on PDPs and use badging on PLPs if possible. - 63% users think the warranty is a ‘very important’ factor in decision -making.

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