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FNV: TSX | NYSE 50 Labour, Health and Safety We have 36 full-time employees working at home or in office spaces located in Canada, Barbados, the United States and Australia. We do not control or have direct influence on the operations of any of the properties over which we have an interest and we operate solely within office environments. Given our business model and office environment, the health and safety of our employees are not typically direct risks to our company. Notwithstanding, our team travels extensively to visit mining and energy operations to conduct due diligence and scheduled audits. As noted on page 49 of this ESG Report, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as of the date of this ESG Report, in addition to instituting hybrid work arrangements for Franco-Nevada staff, we have had to suspend certain due diligence trips and scheduled audit site visits during the pandemic. The management team has still progressed various due diligence processes and the monitoring of assets. The health and safety of our employees remains of utmost priority. We have a Health and Safety Policy applying to our company (including all subsidiaries) and employees necessitating compliance with applicable legal and regulatory health and safety requirements of the jurisdictions in which we operate and setting out standards for a safe work environment, including a workplace free from injuries and from violence and harassment. Our Health and Safety Policy is complemented by our Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment & Equal Opportunity Policy, which provides for a procedure in the case of any incident of discrimination, harassment or violence, including the reporting of the occurrence to our Chief Legal Officer, the oversight of the policy by our Compensation and ESG Committee (“CESGC”) and delegation of the authority to create and amend procedures and programs by the CESGC to our Committee of Executive Officers, and the provision of education and training programs from time-to-time. Further, in accordance with our Corporate Responsibility Policy, we are committed to make a positive impact on social issues. We are committed to the fundamental labour standards and rights at work set out in the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In accordance with our Human Rights Policy and as enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we are supportive of the fundamental freedoms of our employees (and of all individuals), including the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, the freedom of peaceful assembly and the freedom of association. Such policy also sets out our commitment to: • not employ any individual under the legal age of employment in any jurisdiction in which we operate or conduct business • not use any forced, involuntary, compulsory, indentured or slave labour in any of our business activities or operations • provide wages and benefits that meet or exceed the requirements of applicable laws, rules and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate and conduct business • ensure that working hours, overtime hours, and number of working days per week will not exceed applicable legal limits All of our employees receive salaries significantly exceeding minimum wages in their applicable workplace jurisdictions and all such employees receive vacation pay, sick pay and parental leave pay and receive health and other benefits. None of our employees are organized by a trade union or labour union and there are no collective bargaining agreements in place in respect of our staff or company. As such there have been no strikes or lock-outs in Franco-Nevada’s history. Notwithstanding, we respect the right to collective bargaining (in accordance with ILO C98), the protection of workers’ representatives and prevention of workers’ representatives discrimination (in accordance with ILO C135). Employee safety session at Cobre Panama Employees

2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada - Page 50 2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada Page 49 Page 51