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THIS MONTH THE EXCHANGE FALL 2021 8/9 Deliveroo’s 24/25 Trusted Recipe Customer Reviews for Success Community members share the love A customer story 12/13 Our Favorite 26/27 Dreamforce on Trailblazers Salesforce+ Nadina D. Lisbon Check out our new streaming service 22/23 Slack-First 28 AppExchange Chat Customer 360 Get answers Get answers fast Connect in real time fast with AppExchange Chat. 3

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LETTERS FROM THIS MONTH THE EXCHANGE OUR LEADERS FALL 2021 Making Connections AppExchange has long been an innovation hub for customers looking to transform their businesses. This quarter, we introduced AppExchange Chat and Trusted Reviews to make it even easier for you to connect with partners directly and make smarter business decisions. The new AppExchange Chat feature, most active, knowledgeable, and helpful built in collaboration with ISV partner members. Qualified, enables partners to add Chat In this issue of The Exchange, we take a functionality to their AppExchange look at the history of digital listings, making it possible for you to communication and how we have Let’s empower our diverse chat with real partner experts and get evolved to empower connection in questions answered without ever today’s digital age. We hope you enjoy leaving AppExchange. our reimagined customer experience for community together. AppExchange Trusted Reviews helps AppExchange! you choose solutions confidently by displaying a reviewer’s ecosystem status and Salesforce expertise, including if Sincerely, We’ve gathered trusted apps and consultant businesses they are a Salesforce MVP, Trailhead that are diverse-owned and organized them by specialization. Ranger, or Top Reviewer. You can easily identify feedback from our community’s You can easily find the right innovative solution for your Charlie Richey VP, Product Management, AppExchange business needs, and your investment helps spread economic power to underrepresented communities. Start your search

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE ADA FALL 2021 Sales and marketing teams gain valuable insights into what customers need before they buy. Sharing the common inquiries customers have in Create CX the prospective stage of the buying Sales and journey allows product operations to opportunities with optimize the product early on. It also Marketing gives sales and marketing teams the cross-department + Product opportunity to target existing customers with new product offerings and increase collaboration. Operations customer lifetime value (CLTV). Sales and Product Marketing Operations + Support + Support Collaboration between marketing, sales, Your support teams are the voice of Collaborative Teams Are and support teams allows customers to your customers. They can share what swiftly move through every step in their product features are most valuable, buying journey, from interest to support, when a product isn’t working correctly, Where It’s At upselling to check out, and proactive and when an issue arises to inform marketing to post-sales services. Using product adoption, activation, and a brand interaction platform like Ada, improvements. Collaboration between customer interactions are seamlessly these teams results in more valuable, triaged to the right team, resulting in long-term customer relationships and Breaking down silos is good for customers and for business. lower customer and agent effort. increased conversions. Any interaction a customer has with a holistically and factor in the brand CX, savings, and revenue opportunities Bottom line: internal collaboration benefits CX. Ada’s brand interaction brand is a direct reflection of the brand promise every step of the way. can lie. itself. To retain customers, businesses platform fuels these collaborations and can help your business provide should have a unified approach to In order to facilitate this holistic Ada, a brand interaction platform customer interactions across approach, brands should shake up their designed to bridge the divide between holistic CX that lives up to your brand promise. departments. Instead of segmenting organizational structure and focus on brands and their customers, shares customer experience (CX) strategy by unifying their departments. Breaking some of the benefits of department marketing or sales funnels, businesses down department silos creates collaborations. have to consider the customer journey intersections in which some of the best Learn more ABOUT ADA FOR SALESFORCE.

CUSTOMER SUCCESS THE EXCHANGE FALL 2021 VIRGINIA MATASSA: DELIVEROO HAS EXPERIENCED MASSIVE GROWTH OVER THE PAST YEAR AND A HALF WITH NO SIGNS OF SLOWING DOWN. HOW HAVE SALESFORCE AND APPEXCHANGE HELPED DRIVE SCALE AND GROWTH FOR THE BUSINESS? MARK GRAHAM: When the pandemic first struck, restaurant partners needed better support from Deliveroo. So we turned to AppExchange to find technology solutions that would enable us to more effectively communicate with our restaurant partners. One solution we found was a connector that was out of the box and required minimal development on our side. This allowed us to connect Pardot directly to webinar functionalities, enabling our commercial team to speak directly with our restaurant partners and answer some of their burning questions. Deliveroo’s Recipe for VM: I UNDERSTAND YOU USE MANY APPEXCHANGE APPS INCLUDING MEDALLIA, ONFIDO, AND DOCUSIGN. CAN YOU TELL US Success A LITTLE MORE ABOUT WHAT CHALLENGES THESE APPS HELP SOLVE FOR DELIVEROO, AND THE IMPACT YOU’VE SEEN? MG: I’ve been in the Salesforce ecosystem for about 16 years now and I’ve seen the way Deliveroo is an online food delivery company with a AppExchange is continuously growing and adding more powerful apps. These are just three apps out of many. network of more than 100,000 riders delivering food from Since launching Onfido, we’ve been able to automate over 25,000 checks, which means we are running at about 95% automated and only 5% manual. Plus, Onfido around 140,000 restaurants and grocery partners to has helped us scale our onboarding time and velocity, as well. homes and offices in 800 locations around the world. Mark Another critical part of onboarding is our contracting processes. DocuSign helped us take around 80 separate legal contracts and consolidate them into just 12 contracts Graham, Global Product Director at Deliveroo, spoke with that are not only more efficient, but also more transparent in terms of pricing and Virginia Matassa, Vice President of Sales for EMEA and legal terminology. CRM for us means better understanding our restaurant partners and considering all APAC at Salesforce, at Dreamforce this year about how three sides of the marketplace — consumers, riders, and restaurant partners. Medallia is part of our rider organization and it helps us take that existing AppExchange has helped the company to simplify, relationship and bring it into the restaurant experience, as well as scaling it out to all automate, and scale processes during a time of rapid of our markets. growth. Here’s a shortened snippet of their conversation. VM: YOU ARE REALLY MAXIMIZING APPEXCHANGE’S POTENTIAL AROUND RESTAURANT PARTNER AND EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCES. WHAT ROLE DOES APPEXCHANGE HAVE IN DELIVEROO’S FUTURE VISION AND STRATEGY? MG: In the future we could be looking at focussing on pharmaceutical selection or more on groceries, and AppExchange will really help us to think about how we onboard. In the future we are also thinking about the 360-degree view of our restaurant partners, and through AppExchange, supporting this is going to be paramount as well. Virginia Matassa Mark Graham 9 VP, ISV Sales, EMEA & APAC Global Product Director Salesforce Deliveroo

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE CONGA FALL 2021 Onboarding, When a new customer is onboarded, there are many documents that need to be delivered to them, including everything from welcome letters Easy As ... to company guidelines, to statements of work. See what a contract lifecycle When these documents are created and sent out management tool can do individually by different people in your Conga CLM helps organizations uncover new organization, the disconnected process reduces opportunities to improve the efficiency of efficiency, both for you and your customer. their internal operations and the way they AppExchange partner Conga’s app Conga CLM communicate with the outside world with easy provides an automated solution to help optimize to use features that deliver great results. the customer experience. Automated data retrieval and processes Increased accuracy and fewer human errors Templates Improve the Boost Consistent branding, accuracy, customer collaboration and a professional look and feel experience When different members of different 3teams are interacting with the same Receiving documents from multiple customer, it can lead to inconsistencies 1 people creates more work for your and confusion if these teams don’t Easy send, receive, and e-signature customers, since they have to spend have access to the same information. capabilities extra time making sure they’ve received, Conga Composer gives everyone on signed, and returned everything you’ve your teams access to a single source of A smoother customer onboarding asked for during their onboarding truth and allows them to collaborate on process and greater efficiency process. Conga Composer streamlines Increase accuracy key documents, ensuring all customer and consolidates documents, delivering interactions are consistent and helpful. them to your customers quickly, making and efficiency it easier for customers to receive, review, Creating complex documents manually and deliver the documents back to you. 2is time-consuming and laborious, often The ability to merge multi- resulting in human error. Sending the page documents wrong document entirely, or the wrong Simplify an otherwise version of one, leads to unnecessary complex process back and forth and wasted time. Learn more Conga Composer enables you to create, send, and track the most complex onboarding documents correctly the first time. ABOUT CONGA COMPOSER ON APPEXCHANGE. 11

COMMUNITY THE EXCHANGE FALL 2021 HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED WITH SALESFORCE? I started with Salesforce while I was still in college as part of my master’s program. I did an internship at a startup/partner that specialized in building a real estate managed package for Salesforce. OUR FAVORITE TRAILBLAZERS: The internship was a development role; I wrote a few triggers and kind Nadina of just catapulted from junior dev to architect. I’ve never looked back! DO YOU REMEMBER THE FIRST APPEXCHANGE APP D. Lisbon YOU INSTALLED? Field Trip by RingLead was one of the first apps I remember downloading while working on an internal project for my company’s Salesforce org. WHAT APP DO YOU FIND YOURSELF USING I would have to say TIME AND TIME AGAIN? RingLead Dupe Dive. RingLead’s dedupe functionality has made dedupe in Salesforce easy. WHAT ARE FIVE WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOUR FEELINGS ABOUT SALESFORCE? Hmm if I had to choose only five, it would be transformative, accessible, innovative, and industry leaders. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE YOURSELF ON YOUR FIRST DAY AT YOUR CURRENT COMPANY? I would say continue to be curious. Tradeshift has a saying, — own your shift, — so you can explore as much or as little as you need to. And it really resonated with me on my first day; this is my system — Salesforce. So whatever’s coming in, whatever is leaving, I’m ultimately responsible for it. I know that autonomy can be scary for some people, but curiosity has always led me to be a better developer and a great architect. WHAT DOES BEING A TRAILBLAZER MEAN TO YOU? Being a Trailblazer for me means being curious, always seeking out Systems Capability and Salesforce MVP Nadina D. Lisbon believes in the power of the Salesforce more knowledge, and helping others on the way of their journey while Salesforce Architect at Tradeshift community and helping others along the journey. The 13x Certified pursuing your own. Salesforce Technical Architect volunteers her time as a coach for RAD Women, serves as a User Group Leader for the Salesforce Austin Developer User Group, and even recently hosted her first AppExchange SPEAKING OF JOURNEYS, WHAT’S NEXT Demo Jam at TDX21. We chatted with Nadina about her journey, advice FOR NADINA? Right now, I’m studying for my Certified Technical Architect exam. for aspiring Trailblazers, and what’s next for her. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR OTHER TRAILBLAZERS? To always be curious, believe in yourself, and trust in your abilities. You’re always smarter than you think! 13

NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE VERTEX FALL 2021 Grow your business, not your sales tax risks Breah owns a toy shop specializing in handmade wooden toys in ’Tis the Season Brooklyn, NY. During the past year her online shop has grown Get ready for the tax implications of exponentially. She’s thrilled to now have customers all across the country, but she needs to figure out a better way to calculate sales the holiday shopping rush. taxes before the holiday rush. It’s clear this is going to be a holiday shopping season like no other. Automatically calculate accurate sales tax Joyce has six grandchildren in three different states. She hasn’t been able to see them much over the past year so she plans to shop early and splurge on their holiday gifts. She’ll make a big purchase at Breah’s shop and ship the gifts directly to several addresses. Vertex integrates with Commerce Cloud to help Breah calculate sales tax on whatever items she sells, wherever she sells them. Deal with change orders After Joyce places her order, she learns that one of her grandsons doesn’t like the color blue anymore. He prefers red. She gets back onto Breah’s website and changes her order. Vertex uses order management integration to update the tax at each stage of the buyer’s journey. Generate monthly tax returns fast COVID-19 has drastically accelerated the they need to register in a new jurisdiction Finally the big day has arrived. All six grandkids love their gifts. growth of online retail. While retailers and what sales tax to charge and file. But one of Joyce’s granddaughters has already received the same welcome the upcoming holiday surge, they Vertex offers sales tax automation to toy from a friend as a birthday gift a few weeks earlier. need to maintain compliance with complex streamline, automate, and standardize tax Breah receives the return months after the original purchase. and evolving rules and regulations. This year, calculations on every transaction. Vertex runs During that time, the tax rate has changed. Luckily, her tax online shoppers will probably start early, buy on the most advanced calculation and software will handle it. more, and ship to multiple addresses. returns software platform in the industry to Retailers need to monitor and manage reduce time and effort to perform sales and Vertex is designed to help your business handle the complexities that come revenue dollars to determine if and when use tax calculations. with sales tax calculations with their integration into CRM, CPQ, Billing, B2B, B2C, and Order Management. All integrations are Lightning and Classic compatible. Learn more About Vertex on AppExchange.

THIS MONTHWORKING TOGETHER THE EXCHANGE FALL 2021 The first emoji appeared on Japanese mobile With time, the number of emojis available has devices in 1997. Over 20 years later, emojis have increased, not only to showcase more of the become a key part of digital communication, things we interact with in the world but also to not only on cell phones but in virtually every become more inclusive of the types of people form of communication. From to to , using these emojis. Take our quiz emojis continue to transcend language to figure out which emoji you barriers and increase communication from are and what it says about your standard text to visual representations of communication style. our sentiments.

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NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE PROVAR FALL 2021 Myth 1 Testing only needs to happen at the end of a release cycle. Testing processes should be part of the full development process: build, test, repeat. Provar believes tests should be run before and after every technical change has been implemented. This practice helps validate that no new bug has been introduced, and if one is, that it is easy for users to identify where the issue came from. By testing more frequently, the test library increases while business systems and processes mature. Learn more about continuous testing in this Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery Trail. Myth 2 Your automated tests don’t need to keep pace with Salesforce releases. With every Salesforce product update, there are bound to be some changes that can affect or alter your usage. Within the context of QA, this can mean that some of the automated tests that your QA teams had previously developed need to be reworked. New Salesforce releases may change underlying APIs, as well as the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that make up the user interface. QA teams need to be prepared to alter their automated tests in the moment or in future release cycles Three QA Myths Debunked after multiple updates have been implemented. Businesses are recognizing the value of quality assurance (QA) Myth 3 testing in the product lifecycle. With more companies investing in QA, there is bound to be some confusion on how QA can Only highly skilled developers can and should be used. Here, our partner Provar, an end-to-end create automated tests. While there are certain QA processes that require a more technical skill set, there are some QA test automation solution designed for Salesforce, debunks a few platforms that can make testing accessible and more simplified. Provar believes that QA testing in common myths about quality assurance testing. complex business systems should not require coding skills. Utilizing a no-code QA test automation solution like Provar can provide readable test cases that can be understood not only by your whole QA team but your stakeholders, too. Learn more SEE HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESSES WITH PROVAR’S TEST AUTOMATION FOR SALESFORCE SOLUTION.

DIGITAL THE EXCHANGE COMMUNICATION FALL 2021 Pony Express Telephone The Internet 1860 1876 1980 Transcontinental Mobile Phone Now Telegraph 1861 1973 2021 Over the past few centuries, two-way communication has evolved from binary code and horse-drawn mail services to countless History of Digital messaging apps at our fingertips. As Salesforce moves into a Slack- first environment, let’s take the time to reflect on the history of 21 Communication interpersonal digital communication.

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DIGITAL COMMUNICATION KELLY BENTUBO GINA MARQUES Salesforce Architect, CCG IQ Director, CRM & Business Apps, OwnBackup I look at the ratings, any mentions of difficulty to install, if Whether free or paid, I read the reviews for the good the functionality is working as expected, if questions are and bad. I take any review as 50/50, as everyone’s org posted are they answered, and when the last time the has different issues. I look to see if key features I am app was updated. That indicates to me that the app is looking to do with that app can be done. If it’s a paid growing with the platform, and that if I used it what kind app, it’s a good place to gather POC questions if a key of experience can I expect with functionality and support. feature is questionable. NADINA D. LISBON PHIL WALTON Systems Capability & Salesforce Architect, Tradeshift CEO, Cloud Galacticos For free apps, besides looking at the good reviews, I like I review apps, read reviews, and also receive reviews, so I to look at the bad responses and see how they were take a lot of notice of them. When I give reviews, I tend to addressed. Based on the date and time [of the response] start at 5 star and work down if they do not do what I expect I can determine how helpful the package creator will be they should do. Reviews with comments/replies by the app and if it’s actively maintained. For paid apps, I am usually owner show that they are responsive and open. Several recent doing a POC and directly engaging with the vendor, reviews with negative feedback/bugs and no response by the which usually has a trial I can test my use cases against. owner is a worrying trend that would put me off installing. I try to leave reviews for those hidden gem apps so they can get more visibility. JEAN-MICHELE MOUGEOLLE CEO, SharinPix DAN MARTIN What I’m looking for in reviews is not only the overall Associate Guest Service Manager Musical Instrument Museum number of stars, but: I normally keep an eye out for ease of setup, responsive- - How fast questions are answered, or reaction made ness of the developer, and if the app is actually solving - How old are the latest reviews the issue it was intended to solve. Another thing I look for is clusters of bad reviews around updates/new feature - And of course if well-known community members releases. For me that’s a good warning sign that it might be have made reviews (MVPs or others ... ) a bigger time investment than I was initially planning for. We know that customers like you lean on our 98K+ AppExchange listing reviews to help ANIL S VADDADI make the best install decisions for your organization. As a result, this past March we launched JOHAN YU Admin/Developer, Riverbed Trusted Reviews on AppExchange to make reviews that much more impactful. I always go through reviews and ratings. It helps Trusted Reviews are reviews written by select Trailblazers: Trailhead Rangers, Salesforce It depends on the product. me check and understand what are the pros and MVPs, and AppExchange Top Reviewers. These reviews are time savers, helping you zero in cons before using the app. Ratings also help in - For free items, reviews make a lot of difference; we can’t understanding how it matched user expectations. on feedback from our community’s most active, knowledgeable, and helpful members. We contact the maker for a demo, so it plays a big part here. I see versions and what the latest version offers and indicate group membership with an icon next to the community member’s name. - For pay items, we can reach out to the vendor, and fixed as part of the app enhancements. In honor of the undeniable power of reviews, we asked members of our community how they usually, they are more than happy to demo, POC, etc., have used AppExchange customer reviews. Here are some of their responses. although reviews for this type of product also tell us Our community wants to know what you think. how many of their customers are happy/unhappy with Leave a review today. the product. How is the support, are they hearing and responding to customers/prospects? 25

DIGITAL THE EXCHANGE COMMUNICATION FALL 2021 Salesforce+ continues to bring you Over the last 18 months, the magic of Dreamforce with replays we’ve had to reimagine of anything you missed or want to how to succeed in the new Keep watch again. Here are a few of our digital-first world. We reimagined favorite AppExchange highlights: our events, shifting them to all- Dreaming digital brand experiences and with introduced new, relevant, original content. ISV Partners: Build Apps Across We’re not going back; we’re creating the Commerce Products Watch the replay future now. Just as brands like Disney, Netflix, From Idea to Exit: Build a Thriving and Peloton have done with streaming Business on AppExchange services for consumers, Salesforce+ is Watch the replay Demo Jam: Vote for Your Favorite providing an always-on, business media AppExchange App platform that builds trusted relationships Watch the replay Grow Faster and Reach Further with customers and a sense of belonging with Partners for the business community. Watch the replay Sarah Franklin President & Chief Marketing Officer, Salesforce Beyond Dreamforce, you can keep tuning in to In the coming months, Salesforce+ will debut more Salesforce+ for live experiences, original series, original content featuring leaders in fields like sales podcasts, and other programming. With engaging and service, as well as a new series on how Trailblazers stories, thought leadership, and expert advice, from underrepresented communities are re-skilling Salesforce+ will illuminate the future of technology to find new career opportunities and create This year it was easier than ever to in the digital-first, work-anywhere world and inspire generational wealth. millions of Trailblazers to learn new skills, pursue new connect and experience AppExchange career opportunities, and drive change in the world. You can even customize your Salesforce+ experience, selecting content relevant to role, industry, or topic at Dreamforce with our new streaming We’re especially excited about the new on-demand across four broadcast channels. You’re sure to find series for partners. Check it out for tips on how to something to inspire you. service, Salesforce+. Customers around the globe tuned in expand your Salesforce practice, discover partner and chatted with each other in real time during fun events program benefits, and find resources to support your growth strategy. and info-packed sessions. Get your access now Watch the episodes 27

DIGITAL THE EXCHANGE COMMUNICATION FALL 2021 Dreamforce 2021 Get answers The AppExchange Recap fast with Demo jams. Trailblazer stories. Must-have apps. Catch up on anything you missed. Relive the parts you loved. AppExchange Chat. See the recap AppExchange has always connected customers and partners on one platform, enabling digital transformation for companies across industries. However, we recognized that customers like you are increasingly looking for more convenient ways to communicate and get answers in our digital world. Enter: AppExchange Chat. The addition of AppExchange Chat represents a reimagined customer experience for AppExchange, bringing customers and partners closer together. With AppExchange Chat, you can connect with real partner experts, make better-informed business decisions in Appygail real time, and get your questions answered — without ever leaving AppExchange. If you’ve used instant messaging with family or friends, Hello, real person here! How can I you’ll be right at home with AppExchange Chat. All you help you today? have to do is go to AppExchange, find a partner-built solution enabled with Chat functionality through the John James AppExchange Chat collection page, and start your I had a question about your conversation! This helps eliminate phone calls and product. Are we able to set up emails trying to find the right person to answer your a meeting? questions. AppExchange Chat helps you make decisions faster by Appygail the Bobcat providing real-time answers directly from the folks who Definitely! Before setting up a know their apps the best. meeting with our team, I am just going to ask you a couple basic questions to get you connected with the right person. Is that okay? John James 29 Sure, sounds good!

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COMMUNITY THE EXCHANGE FALL 2021 September October Hispanic Heritage Month Disability Awareness Month Learn how Latinoforce, an Equality Group at Salesforce, See how Salesforce recognizes, resources, and rewards empowers Latinx employees from Stefani Bello, Latinoforce’s the Employee Resource Group Abilityforce. Purplespace, Regional Vice President in Latin America. a networking and professional development organization How Salesforce for disabled employees, interviews Abilityforce’s Global President Carden Wyckoff and Office of Accessibility’s Senior Manager Marketing Communications Tom Frantz. fosters diversity, equality, Plus, check out these new trails on Trailhead: Accessibility for Customer-Facing Roles and inclusion. at Salesforce Fundamentals of Neurodiversity Neurodiversity and Disability Disclosure and Inclusion Disability Fundamentals for Managers AppExchange is proud to be part of a company that holds equality as a core value and believes businesses can be powerful platforms for social change. Our Employee Looking forward Resource Groups, or Equality Groups, were formed with In the upcoming months we’re excited to bring our community together to support each other and cele- the purpose of building community, educating allies, and brate our diversity. driving equality within our company. Each month a November | Veterans Month different Equality Group is spotlighted. Employees December | Interfaith Awareness Month participate in a series of community events, philanthropy January | Generations Awareness Month activities, and professional development centered around that group. Here are a few recent highlights. 31

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          FUN & GAMES THE EXCHANGE FALL 2021 Appygail How can I help you today? Get your questions answered fast. Connect with a live expert via AppExchange Chat and make better-informed business decisions in real-time, without leaving AppExchange. See the apps ed ange chva s trunk stripes h’yodealler 9. Caller 8. Seagull is smt is sm7. Cloud on righ ched e swit ds is missing 6. Dolphin positions arf boartion oflecet 5. Renft is differer lewe in looliag4. F edv t arm is mos righ’yolor 3. Appt cenop is differs tank t’yolor 2. Appt cend is differs boar’ostr1. A

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