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4.02 Color Palette: Advertising Color Migration Strategy The full color palette of 14 colors may be used only in markets where aided consumer awareness of the GE brand is 85-100%. Refer to the color matrix to determine the colors you may use, based on the degree of aided consumer awareness in your market. For example, if you have 70-84% consumer awareness in your market, you are able to use four of the 14 colors, Pantone 7455, Pantone 260, Pantone 485 and Process Cyan. All consumer awareness data must be reviewed by the Corporate brand team. The brand team will work with each market to establish the relevant tiers per country. Note Black may be used in all markets for one color applications, e.g., newspaper advertisements. Awareness Approved B2C Advertising Colors Approved B2B Advertising Colors Approved Tagline 0 – 45% “GE imagination at work” 7455 7455 46 – 69% “GE imagination at work” 7455 260 7455 260 70 – 84% “imagination at work” 7455 260 485 Cyan 7455 260 485 Cyan 85 – 100% “imagination at work” 7455 260 485 Cyan 144 376 7455 260 485 Cyan Note The tagline lock-up always appears in one color, i.e., the Monogram and tagline text are the same color. Never use the B2B Print Advertising tagline without the Monogram. Version 1.0

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