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5.07 B2B Type Sizes: One to Three Words In any advertisement, make the primary focus either a headline or an image. These examples demonstrate a range of emphasis in size of the headline type. In general, when the headline is large, the image should be smaller in scale. When the image is large, the headline is smaller. However, the headline does not have to be more than six words to be set in a smaller point size. The length of the headline can also determine the type size; shorter headlines can be set in a large point size. Note Regardless of the size of the headline type and imagery, the brand architecture components and tagline lock-up follow a standard for correct size. Headline and imagery size do not affect their size. Headline 124pt Headline 92pt Headline 84pt/88pt leading Maximum size allowed Fixed Element GE Inspira 18pt GE Market GE Market GE Market Solution Platform Solution Platform Solution Platform loremipsum lorem lorem ipsum dolorsitametco Flexible Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing Elements Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. elit. Sed orci sapien, rutrum eget, hendrerit non, elit. Sed orci sapien, rutrum eget, hendrerit non, Sed orci sapien, rutrum eget, hendrerit nonblandit et, blandit et, massa. Pellen tesque tempor metus sed blandit et, massa. Pellen tesque tempor metus sed massa. Pellen tesque tempor metus sed purus. Quisqueid purus. Quisque id mauris urna hendrerit ipsum purus. Quisque id mauris urna hendrerit ipsum mauris urna hendrerit ipsum molestie. Cum sociis molestie. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis molestie. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis natoque penatibus et magnis disparturient mnascetur disparturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. disparturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. ridiculus musipsum lorem Visit for more details. Visit for more details. Visit for more details. Fixed Element Monogram imagination at work imagination at work imagination at work Tagline 18pt B2B Print Advertising Version 1.0

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