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2.2 Workforce representation across industries In addition to overall barriers to labour-force Industries where women are under-represented participation and employment, global data provided yet still make up more than 40% of the workforce by LinkedIn shows persistent skewing in women’s (i.e. above the global average score of 41.9%, and representation in the workforce across industries.11 the median score of 42.4%) are Retail (48.7%), Entertainment Providers (48.4%), Administrative In LinkedIn’s sample, which comprises all LinkedIn and Support Services (46.5%), Real Estate (44.7%), users in 163 countries, women account for 41.9% Accommodation and Food (43.3%) and Financial of the workforce (ILO reports 39.5% in 2021 for the Services (42.4%). Finally, women are poorly global workforce12). Trends over time indicate that represented in sectors like Oil, Gas and Mining the share of women hired into the total workforce (22.7%) and Infrastructure (22.3%), where they saw upward trends between 2016-2019, increasing account for less than one-quarter of workers. from 41.6% to 42.1% before plateauing in 2020. In the last three years, the proportion of jobs held by The drop in women’s workforce representation women increased again in 2021 (+0.12 percentage between 2022 and 2023 noted earlier is observed points), followed by a slight drop in 2022 (-0.03 across industries, but especially in Consumer percentage points) and a steeper decline in 2023 Services (-0.71 percentage points), Accommodation (-0.31 percentage points). and Food (-0.67 percentage points), Agriculture (-0.65 percentage points), and Wholesale (-0.62 A closer look across industries reveals that percentage points). Healthcare and Care Services (64.7%) continues to be a female-dominated 昀椀eld. Women also The share of women in Accommodation and Food, outnumber men, though to a lesser degree, however, has been experiencing a downward trend in Education (54.0%) and Consumer Services since 2020 – along with women’s share in Retail (51.8%). The Government and Public sector is the and, to a smaller extent, in Healthcare and Care only one showcasing a fairly balanced distribution Services and Financial Services (for the latter, the of men and women across occupations, with decline started in 2018). women accounting for almost half (49.7%) of the workforce in 2023 (down from 50% in 2022). FIGURE 2.5 Representation of women in the workforce, by industry, 2016-2023 70 Healthcare and Care Services 60 Education Consumer Services Government and Public 50 Sector Retail Entertainment Providers e (%) Administrative and Support Services Shar Real Estate Accommodation and Food 40 Financial Services Overall Professional Services Technology, Information and Media Wholesale 30 Utilities Manufacturing Agriculture Supply Chain and Transportation Oil, Gas and Mining 20 Infrastructure 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year Source Note LinkedIn Economic Graph. The 2023 data points only include data for Q1 2023. Global Gender Gap Report 2023 37

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