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FIGURE 2.6 Women's representation in the workforce, overall vs. in leadership, by industry, 2022 Accommodation 34% and Food 43% Administrative and 35% Support Services 47% Agriculture 25% 32% Consumer Services 46% 52% Education 46% 54% Entertainment Providers 37% 48% Financial Services 32% 42% Government and 40% Public Sector 50% Healthcare and 50% Care Services 65% Infrastructure 16% 22% Manufacturing 25% 32% Oil, Gas and Mining 19% 23% Overall 32% 42% Professional Services 32% 42% Real Estate 29% 45% Retail 39% 49% Supply Chain and 23% Transportation 30% Technology, Information 28% and Media 36% Utilities 25% 33% Wholesale 25% 34% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Share (%) Senior leaders All levels Source LinkedIn Economic Graph. Global Gender Gap Report 2023 39

Global Gender Gap Report 2023 - Page 39 Global Gender Gap Report 2023 Page 38 Page 40