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Measuring results Key metrics Get Your Results in Real Time to track Once your campaign is live, you will be able to track results from your Ads • CPM Manager dashboard. There you can explore metrics like total spend, impressions, cost per impression, audience reach and average frequency. Keep • Total Impressions in mind an impression is any time your ad is shown on Twitter. • Total Spend • Total Audience Reach The default view will show results at a campaign level. Click on a campaign to • Average Frequency see results by ad group, ad, or audience. Here are some things to look for at each level. Measurement studies Additionally, you may be able to run measurement studies depending on the goals you want to achieve and campaign spend. Here are some examples of deeper measurement we have run for Reach campaigns. Campaign level: Ad group level: • Number of results • Is there an ad group • Results rate performing better than • Cost per result others? Why is that? Ad level: • What Tweets are performing best? Are there any common themes around creative and/or copy? If so, consider creating more Tweets like these to add to the campaign. • What Tweets are underperforming? Consider turning these off. Audience level: • What audiences are your Tweets resonating with most? 23

Reach Objective Playbook - Page 23 Reach Objective Playbook Page 22 Page 24

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