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COOL TOOLS FOR INTERACTIVE PROTOTYPES (IF YOU DECIDE TO GO THAT ROUTE) Adobe Acrobat ( Create interactive PDFs by importing images into Adobe Acrobat and making them interactive. Balsamiq Mock-Up ( A rapid wireframing tool that comes with hundreds of interaction patterns and icons for quickly creating mockup websites, desktop apps, and mobile apps. Invision ( Invision allows you to make high-fidelity comps in whatever tool you like, upload the .pngs, and easily share them on a mobile device for validation with customers. It’s easy to capture comments and versions, too. UXPin ( Using UXPin, you can import from Photoshop and serve up your demo on a URL where people can try out a demonstration of it. Prott ( Using Prott, you can easily stitch together images, add hotspots, and output interactive prototypes that work great for testing concepts on multiple devices. Solution Prototype Reality Check: Why User Experiences and Business Models Must Go Hand in Hand Remember the Business Model Canvas in Chapter 2? Let’s zoom into the left side of the canvas and take a look at Figure 7-19. We need to consider how those components — key partnerships, key activities, and key resources — might affect the composition of your solution prototype.

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 207 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 206 Page 208